Hermeus !!

Hermeus !!'s profile picture

"I'm musicing (and studying D:)"

he/him ,, greek ,, 13/02

Last active:

Mood: very yippee indeed

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Hermeus !!'s Interests


Art - Student, Reader and Part-Time therapist


Fountain D.C., Red Hot Chili Peppers, Radiohead, CSH, MCR, Green Day, The Smiths, The Cure, System, Joy Division, Weezer, Mitski and more !!!


Pulp Fiction, Whiplash,The Machinist, Brokeback Mountain, Trainspotting... 

(letterbox: Len_xoxo


Nana, Lain, BJack Horseman, South Park, Inside Job, NGE ++


La Begne - Jean Genet (Zan Zene), Scott Pilgrim and generally books written by either collage students or depressed middle aged men with depression (and gambling loads)


Shadow The hedhoge & Rei Ayanami 

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Hermeus !!'s Blurbs

About me:

Nerdy individual and insect enthusiast

Who I'd like to meet:

Ppl w/ same interest as me!! (& anyone tbh)

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