
RetroRei's profile picture

"trying to not be bored :)"

My name is Austin I'm 18 and from the United States


Mood: like making friends :D

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RetroRei's Interests


You remember those box televisons (CRT) for short cathode ray tube these TVs have some strengths over modern displays like if you ever wanted to play your ps2 or even Sega Saturn these consoles were meant for these old tubes they look way better on them to following through on what I said about consoles I collect those also in my collection at the moment I have 5 xbox 360s a ps1 ps2 ps3 and ps4 wait there's more! I have a Sega Saturn and Sega dreamcast and a soon to be modded gamecube Did I forget the say that one of my 360s is modded to fun right! back on track now I have a modded Wii and Wii U can't forget the handhelds I have three 3ds and two 2ds I have a Sega game gear and a Nintendo switch and the best for last the 2 consoles I love the most atm is my xbox series x and my hardmodded go xbox I use my series x the most for modern gaming of couse my favorite games are dark souls it scratches a itch no other games can I am also enjoying a game atm called path of titans you can be a Dino who doesn't want to be one of those! I am also looking forward to the new monster hunter game and assassins creed shadows. I think it's time to end the word vomit here. oh yeah! I am also typing this on a old tube monitor cool right?!.


my music taste is weird I like bands like die so fluid tapping the vein and kidney thieves there good to! and jack off Jill my music taste can go from that to organ music and dark souls music so its a tad bit weird overtime I put some music on someone complains :( .


movies ok this is a fun subject I collect VHS tapes so ill name some of my favorite movies from my pile also some DVDs for my VHSs my movie is sleepy hollow the one by Tim Burton also nightmare before Christmas and for my DVDs its Mary' ultra violet and my favorite movie of all time gothika.


the only television I really watch is anime and maybe some Netflix so my top animes are ergo proxy hellsling and Evangelion and another I also like some fun ones like lucky stars and girls last tour.


I don't read much but I would like to read more I've read the wings of fire series I enjoyed that I also have some manga to read its called blame/p>


my grandpa my grandma and Bernie sanders .

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About me:

hello! my name is Austin I am 18 and I am from the United States hmmm about me? I can't think of much so ill just word vomit this is about me so not my interests (I need to actually put something there) where do I start train of thought don't fail me now. I have blue eyes and long curly brown hair for my age I am very short coming in at under 100 pounds and I eat a lot of food (crazy right) I am in my senior year of high school and worried about the future (as everyone is) I want to major in history in collage hmm I can probably guess where your from if you gave me part of the world and climate the state I'm from is either very hot very cold or cloudy not fun the only good part of the year is spring that is also my favorite season if you couldn't guess my dream is to go to a place blue sky green grass as far as the eye can see for me that is paradise and that is also enough word vomit.

Who I'd like to meet:

I would like to meet people from everywhere all across the world different cultures different viewpoints just in general I would like to make a friend or two(I may have used the wrong to idk :( )but I'm guessing most of the people on this site have the same reasonings for being here expect the people with tons of followers are they here for friendship who knows lol. I need more people to talk about about weird prehistoric animals like the terror bird or lisowic 

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