
vulpesCosmonaut's profile picture

"Nothing gained but something to dream of"

- 8teen / any prns -ontario, canada

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Mood: full of unremarkable bits and pieces

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vulpesCosmonaut's Interests


retro games, 2000s internet culture, horror, astronomy, cosmology, playing guitar/singing, writing (mainly short fiction and poetry), halloween, listening to new music, video essays, stargazing, TTRPGs, markiplier, jerma985


car seat headrest, weatherday, michael cera palin, asian glow, duster, mbv, slowdive, good kid, liam mccay/sign crushes motorist, sun is poison, cicadahead, radiohead, the brave little abacus, twinkle park/smiling broadly, radiator hospital, furry loser, ajj, neutral milk hotel, bcnr, machine girl, blue smiley, modern baseball, teen suicide, julia brown, glass beach, starry cat, julie, have a nice life, your arms are my cocoon, horse jumper of love, polygon cove, the microphones/mount eerie, salvia palth, i hate sex

fav genres: slacker rock, alt-rock, shoegaze, grungegaze, skramz, screamo, midwest emo, post-punk, dream pop, noise pop, pop-punk, indie rock


movies: fantastic mr. fox, swiss army man, the grand budapest hotel, asteroid city, eraserhead, fallen angels (1995), howl's moving castle, ponyo, my neighbor totoro, spirited away, akira, paper heart (2009), scott pilgrim vs. the world, superbad, annihilation, interstellar, the end of evangelion + rebuild of evangelion series, the belts show

shows: flcl, evangelion, lain, ena, madoka magica, scott pilgrim takes off, cyberpunk edgerunners


literally anything by bryan lee o'malley, cate wurtz, or remy boydell. and homestuck. im also a homestuck.. (shame)


omori, night in the woods, yume nikki, elder scrolls, fallout, mother, funamusea games, we know the devil, undertale, house, ddlc, enderal, system shock, doom, halo, half-life, portal, myhouse.wad, vtmb, dread delusion, lunacid, lain ps1, zero escape, yttd, neon white, slime rancher, coffee talk

my favourites generally tend to be more story-focused games with an interesting artstyle. My favourite genres would have to be jrpgs, first-person arpgs, or dream sims, but really any game that feels distinct or tries something new can catch my eye pretty easily

or basically anything in rpg maker or the source engine, that is also a weakness i have..


- basil (omori)
- kel (omori)
- sunny (omori)
- aubrey (omori)
- ena (ena)
- scott pilgrim (sp)
- kim pine (sp)
- neil nordegraf (sp)
- dave strider (hs)
- terezi pyrope (hs)
- venus (wktd)
- lain iwakura (sel)
- madotsuki (yume nikki)
- kaworu nagisa (nge)
- rei ayanami (nge)
- naota nandaba (flcl)
- mamimi samejima (flcl)
- junpei tenmyouji (ze:999)
- snake / light field (ze:999)
- sigma klim (ze:vlr)
- lilly hardon (ffff)
- wheatley (portal 2)
- kumatora (mother 3)
- duster (mother 3)

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About me:

hazel, nonbinary/transfem bi, feel free to message me and chat if we have shared interests !!

digital witch mayura

Who I'd like to meet:

anyone with similar interests, especially in games or music

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