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"writing ;3"

hi :3 pls talk 2 me or friend me

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Mood: boreddd

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adri's Interests


I LOVE MUSIC!! i also enjoy cinematography, acting, directing, reading, writing, baking!


JULIE!!, gorillaz, ghost, max demarco, wisp, alex g , mitski, grouper, billie eilish, cigarettes after sex, my bloody valentine.




the vampire diaries, my hero academia, bungo stray dogs, the walking dead, erased, demon slayer


any fanfic about aizawa shota.


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About me:

16, native american, actor, writer, taken <3

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ava :3

ava :3's profile picture

Im going to Touch You

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Fast Blinking Hello Kitty a:hover { cursor: url(, auto; } /* this is where the colors are rooted */ :root{ --headers: whitesmoke; --text: whitesmoke; --names: whitesmoke; --links: gray; --background_image: url(''); --font-family: "Courier New", cursive; --curve: 0px; --borders: 2px solid gray; } /* this is where the colors for specific things are located */ h3, h4, h5{color: var(--headers)!important;} /* headings*/ a{color: var(--links) !important;} /* color of links */ p, h2, .count {color: var(--text);} /* color of text */ .friends a p{color: var(--names);} /* color of names, and friends counter */ nav label{color: var(--links);} /* color of search */ .section h4 {color: var(--headers);} /* aboutme & want2meet headings */ .blurbs .heading {display:none;} /* hides the blurbs title */ .details p:last-child{color: var(--text);} /* where the last login and status appears */ /* this is where your background image ends up being styled */ body{ background-image: var(--background_image); background-size: contain; background-position: center; background-color: dimgray; } /* this is where your name appears */ h1{ color: white; font-family: var(--font-family); font-size:30px !important; font-weight: 1; border: var(--borders); background-color: black; padding:5px; text-align: center; } /* the navigation is adjusted here */ nav{ background-color: black; border: var(--borders); border-radius: var(--curve); text-align: center; } nav .top, nav .links { background-color: transparent; border-radius: var(--curve); } nav .links a{ text-shadow:none; } /* this is the line that appears between links in the header and footer. you can add an emoji or symbol instead of the default line it has */ nav .links li:not(:last-child)::after, footer .links li:not(:last-child)::after{ content: "|"; color: white; } nav img.logo{ filter: brightness(0) saturate(100%) invert(50%) sepia(5%) saturate(326%) hue-rotate(174deg) brightness(92%) contrast(82%) !important; } /* the search wrapper and button */ .search-wrapper input[type=text] { background-color: transparent !important; 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background: gray; border: none; } /* this is where you adjust the borders and background */ .blurbs, .mood, .friends, .contact, .profile .table, .blog-preview, .profile .table-section{ border-radius: var(--curve); border: var(--borders)!important; background-color: black!important; } .comment-replies{border:4px groove gray;} /* this is the border around the replies */ .comment-reply:not(:first-child){border-top: 2px solid var(--links);} /* line in between comment replies*/ /* your interest and comments table row background color */ td{ background-color: transparent!important; } /* the middle section of your profile background color*/ main{ background: transparent; border-radius: var(--curve); border: transparent; outline: none; } /* the interest table */ .table-section{ border:none !important; border-radius: var(--curve) !important; } /* the header section of the boxes */ .heading{ background: none !important; } /* this is the box that says "Edit Info" when you're logged in, and to your friends it says "Profile Name is your friend". */ .profile-info { background-color: black !important; border: var(--borders) !important; border-radius: var(--curve) !important; } /* adjusting images borders and adding styling if you want to */ .profile-pic{ padding: 10px; } /* you can add text-align:center; if you want your friends to be centered */ .friends-grid{ text-align: center; } /* margin and padding */ h2, h3, h4, h5, p{padding-left:5px !important;} /* this is important when you have rounded corners */ .contact .heading, .profile .table-section .heading, .blog-preview .heading, .profile .friends .heading, .mood{padding: 5px!important;text-align: center;} .mood, .friends{margin-bottom: 10px;} .url-info{display: none;} .general-about .details{ background: black; border: var(--borders); padding-bottom: 70px; margin-bottom: 10px; } .contact{ padding: 5px } .contact .f-col{ padding: 0px 0px 7px; } .f-row{ margin:0px!important; } /* this is the comments table scroll code. you can delete this if you don't want a scroll box */ .comments-table { display: block; height: 500px!important; 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