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"Slowly Dying (Living)"

Yee haw motherfucker

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Mood: I'm just kinda me

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eclipse's Interests


* Philosophy * History * Uhhhhh...... Don't worry about it * Anime * Cinema * My moon


* Tyler The Creator * System Of a Down * A Tribe Called Quest * Folk music in General * Bob Dylan * Jimmy Hendrix * PINK FLLOYD IS WHERE ITS AT * I also like punk * Gambino ;)


* Fantastic Mr. Fox * A Silent Voice * American History X * Spirited Away * Princess Mononoke * Malcolm X * Nausicaa Of The Valley Of The Wind * Asteroid City * City Of God * Eternal Sunshine Of The Spotless Mind


* Community * Twin Peaks * Jojo's Bizarre Adventure * Ouran Highschool Hostclub * I'm kind of a weeb * Cowboy Bebop * Trigun * Outlaw Star


Uhhhhh * The Republic * The Myth Of Sysphus * The Book Of Joy * Lord Of The Rings I guess.... ?


* Martin Luther King * Marcus Aurelius * Malcolm X * Fred Hampton * Diogenes * Donald Glover * Stanley Kubrik * Ho Chi Mihn

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eclipse's Blurbs

About me:

So leave me alone You oughta be proud That I'm getting good marks I'm taking the cure So I can be quiet Whenever I want Needle in the Hay (I'm not emo I'm actually quite cheerful. Always here for a conversation about life.)

credit Knife

Who I'd like to meet:

The moon. A frog. A cat. A goddess. A king. Her. Him. Them. DNI list: * People

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