YVRFREYJA's profile picture

"Browsing my instant messages, emails, phone texts"

24, Canada, Raspy Voice

Last active:

Mood: Relaxed, Content, Joyous

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YVRFREYJA's Interests


Volunteering, advocating, listening, public speaking, improvisation, network building, spending time with friends and family, Spotify, YouTube, Facebook (I know - I'm OLD), SpaceHey, my dog, cats, & guinea pigs.


At the moment, I have been listening to a lot of music from the early 2000s, specifically "Hey There Delilah" by The White T's, including many other classics from the golden years of my YouTube space music discoveries.


I don't watch many movies, my attention span is not the best equipped for handling long-term narratives.


If stand up comedy counts, then yes, I watch lots of that on Netflix. Danny Phantom comes to mind as another classic comfort show.




Martin Luther King Jr, Malcom X, Rosa Parks, Bernie Sanders, Barack Obama, my adoptive and gay fathers.

YVRFREYJA's Latest Blog Entries [View Blog]

Just got two new guinea pigs! (view more)


About me:

Hello! My name is Freyja! I am a harm reduction worker working alongside a non-profit organization called Street Saviours Outreach Society. My geographical location is Vancouver, Canada. I hand out Nutella, PB&J sandwiches, bottles of water, clean & safe drug supplies such as side/meth pipes, down/heroin bulb points, foil, condoms, lube, feminine hygiene products, etc. to the unhoused and active drug using population of East Hastings within the inner city. The opioid and fentanyl crisis is at an all time high at the moment, and so, I do my best to be the change and closest equivalent to a superhero possible. I love what I do for a career, and I would never take a single moment despite how at times difficult and challenging, though all in many encompassing ways rewarding it may be. When I'm not actively patrolling the streets, I can be found drinking a green/black monster, original Red Bull, or simply handling and caring for my two pet guinea pigs. I am an avid lover of life, weed, socially drank beers and everything to do with LGBTQ+, disability, and civil rights advocacy. I am a transgender, MTF (male to female), pansexual, twenty-four-year-old, queer activist who loves the ideologies of such people as Martin Luther King Jr, Malcom X, Sinead O'Connor (RIP), and many other varying past to present theologians, revolutionists, feminists and scholars. I am adopted with two adoptive and gay fathers, I own a Australian Shepard/Border Collie mix named Jaxon, two tabby cats named Lilith and Eve, and as mentioned two guinea pigs named CeeCee & ChaCha. Jaxon, Lilith & Eve can be found being Aaron & Gary's retirement pets; while CeeCee & ChaCha are my companions in life as I prepare to eventually move out on my own after acquiring disability income. So, I would more than be glad to declare I have amazing family, friends, network and a strong conviction for my salvation in Jesus Christ... But not to fear, I have removed the dogma and focused on the revolutionary and inherently queer affirming virtues and morals he possessed during his time on Earth. To be my friend, don't be a dick, a pedophile, ageist, sexist, racist, homophobic/transphobic/xenophobic/fat-phobic, unkind or inauthentic. I am a very easy tempered, laid back, genuine woman but will not hesitate to call someone out on their bullshit. So, yeah, I think that covers this section of my profile. Add me to connect, send a message, or simply lurk. Chao for now :)


Who I'd like to meet:

Fellow activists, advocates, queer and or transgender folks, volunteers, Canadians, disabled people...

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