
asakojo's profile picture

"lookin at this cool robot"


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Mood: insane

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asakojo's Interests


big robots. thats the kicker babay! pretty much all music ill dance too anything if i find it cool enough, sleeping and lying in my cool and comfy bed hell yeah. thats a big interest. the colour purple. alocholism is an interest i guess. maybe?


wye oak, aurora, sharon van etton, the soundtracks for paswg, aot and dotm. pantograph etc etc


Fuckin love transformers. best media to ever be created. cool as hell shit. gawdam! spiderverse and ONLY spiderverse i dont rlly care abt spiderman outside that. godzilla is my father but only on the weekends (optimus has majority in the joint custody) i am an absolute whore for both savageland and lake mungo, i love when media makes me scared to go take a shit at 3am its very fun. jurassic park is very cool dinosaurs are awesome and i know i could beat an allosaurus ina fight, im just cool liket hat n shit.


the only show ive ever watched start to finish is the walking dead, i started watching in 2011 and its been ym tv goat ever since. no i dont accept criticism.


jurassic park/the lost world and the hunger games. i dont really do much reading. i cant read, actually. if im being honest. i "read" by putting every message i get through google tts


optimus prime and rick grimes

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asakojo's Blurbs

About me:

i cant feel my legs! help! ah! just kidding. i can feel them. ykno what else i can feel? the crushing weight of reality. HELLO ON MY PROFILE FRIEND who even am i? good question i ask myself that every time i look in the mirror. i enjoy long walks on the beach and also eating the sand on the beach. sometimes i eat too much sand and i start to throw up, not fun! my favorite colour is purple but like a light purple ykno? favorite dinosaur, the allosaurs. favorite number is 7 but my lucky number is 125. least favorite sound is that door that would make the loudest fuckin BANG if swung closed in my high schools lobby. i love coke zero and vodka! 19/they them/scottish

Who I'd like to meet:

another me or someone who knows what savageland is, friends are cool but a mortal enemy is gooder. if you were there on the 3rd of september 2015 i need to kill you. meet me.

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