ʚ rin ɞ
"ruminating "
21 - canada - aquarius - infp
Mood: goofy goober
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Contacting ʚ rin ɞ
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ʚ rin ɞ's Interests
General |
crochet, sewing, painting, digital art, drawing, video games, being silly |
Music |
i love all genres of music! i have a genuine appreciation for a diverse range of styles, including rock, metal, vocaloid, indie, J-pop, K-pop, country, EDM, death metal, folk, and more! |
Movies |
I am a huge media fiend lol. I also love all kinds of movies... but my comfort movie would have to be Howl's Moving Castle |
Television |
currently binging Criminal Minds |
Books |
eep >.< i do not read as often as i wish i did lol... |
Heroes |
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ʚ rin ɞ's Blurbs
About me:
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Who I'd like to meet:
gosh too many people, but most of all i want to meet my internet friend, Haven! <3
ʚ rin ɞ's Friend Space
[view all]ʚ rin ɞ has 7 friends.
ʚ rin ɞ's Friends Comments
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