
"Making art, slowly and steadily "
20 year old nerd interested in 120 year old things
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Mood: I'm really feeling it!
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Luca's Interests
General |
My interests vary WILDLY, good luck keeping up, but in general I tend to bounce between:
D&D, Kirby, Paper mario, Xeno series, and Newly formed pokemon addiction lolz :3
the rest of the time it's either some other nintendo game, or a very small indie game i just found on Steam.
Music |
I tend to just listen to game sound tracks, cause i'm just that much of a nerd XD Been listening to some Musicals too lately, They're Pr3tty C00L :3 |
Movies |
I don't watch a whole lot of movies, but i do like Godzilla movies. |
Television |
Watch Legend of Vox Machina if you like D&D stuff, or even if you just like fantasy. It's super good (but a little adult :P) |
Books |
Been reading the Kamen Rider manga, super awesome :D |
Heroes |
uuuuuuuhhhhhhhhh........ idk, Santa? |
Luca's Blurbs
About me:
Artist in computer graphic/game arts. Gamer, duh. XP Fan of old thingz. hence why I'm on this website. c: College student.
Who I'd like to meet:
idk man, so long as you aren't racist, homophobic, transphobic, or anything in between we should be good.
Luca's Friend Space
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