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"dying "


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Mood: mid

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makama 's Interests


i like reading really sad stories to make me feel sad over reasons that won’t hurt me physically and mentally. i also enjoy cosplaying!!

Music : ダーリン - 須田景凪 : on the square / heart to heart - Mac Demarco : 輪廻転生/曼珠沙華/夢のまた夢/ hello dystopia - まふまふ : MAD HEAD LOVE - Kenshi Yonezu : Pineapple kryptonite/NAINAINAI - ATARASHII GAKKO! : Cantarella - kurousaP, Miachaon : honeymoon un deux trois/ one room all that jazz - song dang cover : (all the songs from センチミリメンタル ) : ID LOVE : all i want is you / day dreaming / skinny - Rebzyyx : Lovers Rock - TV Girl


- inception - Mother! - incantation - midsommar - black swan - perfect blue - spirited away - doukyuusei



PLS READ ORV ( omniscient readers viewpoint ) AND 2HA ( Er ha and his white cat shizun ). my life has never been the same ever since i read it. i’ve shed way too much tears to function well after that.?.?.?:!:!:! kmskmskmskmskmskmksmkmskmkmskmskmskmskmskmskmskmskmskmskmskmskmskmskmskmskms…&;$:$:&$::&


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makama 's Blurbs

About me:

very chill , mentally unstable , low key suicidal, im a great person , self narcissistic , super relatable 👍👍👍

Who I'd like to meet:

i would kill to get to meet hakken once more <3

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