Haden Claire

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Haden Claire's Interests


*takes deep breath* okay, I play Minecraft, I keep going back to trying to learn guitar or try my hand at writing fiction again but never get far, I'm trans, I was going for a Master's in Military History at one time, I really enjoy learning about insurgencies and underdogs and revolutions and resistance movements, I played with lego into my teens and would probably never get anything done if I had a lego set in my house now as an adult, I fucking love all kinds of music and podcasts and pretty much never enjoy the silence. Oh and I love linux and have used it in some form - usually Debian/Ubuntu based or Arch - on all my personal computers since I discovered Ubuntu in high school in like 2010.


So here's a playlist that has 21 songs I really like, that I'll keep up to date, except for when I forget to keep it up to date


okay, maybe once in a blue moon. but i'll want to get up and take a break halfway through.


every now and then I'll binge a show. Right now I'm halfway through The Good Place. My favorite TV show of all time, that I constantly go back to, is Doctor Who. But I haven't seen stuff past Capaldi. I have it on my to-do list to sit down and binge the recent seasons but idk if I'll ever actually do that. I re-watch the Eccleston and Tennant seasons every now and then mostly, and maybe the Matt Smith seasons.


If it's an audiobook with a transfem main character or trans themes, I'll probably listen to it, so send those my way! I started listening to audiobooks again when I listened to 'Nevada' a while back - really fantastic book, by the way, you should check it out! Other recent favorites include 'Detransition, Baby!' and Casey Plett's 'Little Fish' and 'Dream of A Woman'. Noticing a theme? I'm also a really huge fan of biographies and history books when they're well-done and interesting. Favorites include 'Madame Fourcade's Secret War' and Christine Jorgensen's autobiography. Currently, I just started reading Gaiman's Good Omens


Any trans woman who transitioned before the 2010s and especially pre-2000, you are larger than life to me and I want to hear all of your stories and wisdom!

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About me:

Hi! I'm Haden Claire! I remember being on MySpace when I was in Middle School and geeking out with HTML and CSS long before I took coding classes or really learned what HTML or CSS actually were. I guess I'm here for nostalgia, but it's also fair to say that the traditional social media all have their issues and I want something genuinely different.

Who I'd like to meet:

I'd love to meet other trans women, minecrafters, home cooks, and people who dabble in a lot of different hobbies but never settle.

Haden Claire's Friends Comments

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🌸 Blossom 🌸

🌸 Blossom 🌸's profile picture

Thanks 4 being my friend, love your profile Im a code geek too XP

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