atlas 🌟

atlas 🌟's profile picture

"plotting revenge"

adult, it/he, minorphobic

Last active:

Mood: annoyed

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atlas 🌟's Interests


animals and space.


I DONT KNOW HOW BUT THEY FOUND ME, AJJ, simon curtis, set it off, portugal. the man, siames, grandson, mcr, joji, MISSIO, +more.


deadpool, john wick, the princess bride, ??? probably more.


star trek (tos, tng, ds9), any animal documentary ever (i highly recommended spy in the wild), + more.


john dies at the end.


dessert foods.

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atlas 🌟's Blurbs

About me:

hello, my name is atlas, and i am doing this on a mobile browser because i was supposed to be asleep 5 minutes ago. please excuse anything weird looking until the morning.
i am an adult alter in an adult body. feel free if you need to know either exact age, i do not mind. i use it/its pronouns but humans, cis people, and others that are boring may use he/him for me, too. i am very, very gay for my two boyfriends. and yes, they smoke weed.
please check out my neocities i am very happy with it.

Who I'd like to meet:

other alters/headmates, nonhumans, other/fiction kins, etc.
minors block me and go outside if the streetlights are not yet on.
if you do not have at least an indicator that you are an adult, i will not accept your friend request.

atlas 🌟's Friend Space

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