"Can someone play roblox with me"
i cry all the time
Mood: meeh
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XoAK's Blurbs
About me:
Hii, I’m 16. im bisexual [ she her ] I’m scared of the dark😭 i love Sam and Colby, witchcraft and murder mystery im here just to talk and find new friends im Lithuanian but i live in Norway i can speak Lithuanian, English, Norwegian and i have learned Russian and Spanish for 3 years. And i still know Russian more than Spanish T-T Im basically ur local yandre that wont kill ppl but will destroy ur mentall health if u touch my bf. with love ofc i wont be so active here so add me on discord [ xo.bl4de #8471 ] i want friends that are 14-18 max of age
Who I'd like to meet:
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