
"I decide the truth."
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Mood: Splendid!
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Maku's Interests
General |
♡ I love drawing, videogames, dolls, figure collecting, stickers , writing and swimming! Also a huge fan of aquatic life and fauna. :] ♡ Mainly I love fighting games! My personal favourites are Blazblue, Guilty Gear and Street fighter! ♡ Other than that, drawing is a huge passion of mine...and the interwebs ofcourse. |
Music |
♡ I listen to a variety of music ranging from 90's rock to tiktok level music. Huge fan! Usually I listen to David Bowie, Queen, Will Wood, Weird Al, Radiohead, Oingo Boingo (PEAK.) ,Korn, Slipknot , Talking Heads, Lemon Demon (Sorry.), Elvis Presley , Prince andddd Britney Spears. Also Musicals. ♡ I'm open to listen to anything though! Feel free to drop recommendations. |
Movies |
♡ Everything Everywhere all at once, RRR, The Lorax (Important to mention), Sharktale , Into the spider-verse, Free Birds, Mean Girls , Pulp fiction, Back to the future, Golmaal, and more that I can't remember right now, haha. |
Television |
If my memory serves me right...I enjoyed Gravity falls , Brooklyn 99 , Big Bang Theory (Mom's fault not mine.), Steven Universe (Liberal interest) , The Amazing world of Gumball anddddd there's way more. Most of them are animes though! (Personal favourite is Jojo's bizarre adventure! ❤😉) |
Books |
♡ fanfictions.... ❤❤ |
Heroes |
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