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"profile in progress!"

they/any & 21

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Mood: sleepy

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adrie's Interests


video games, literature, philosophy, history, political theory, generally nerdy stuff!


death cab for cutie, loona, tori amos, ethel cain, florence & the machine, ezra furman, sea power, the clash, and many more! see my below :-)


a serious man, monty python and the holy grail, the lobster, banshees of inisherin, and many others!


the sopranos, arrested development, a league of their own, the promised neverland


the brothers k & the river why (david james duncan), southern reach trilogy (jeff vandermeer), the stranger (albert camus), existential philosophy in general!


simone weil and albert camus, mostly. please do not make fun of me for this pretentious answer :-(

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About me:

hi! my name is adrie (or sophia) and it's a pleasure to host your scrying eyes on my profile. :-)

21 + they/any + lesbian
white irish-american + chronically ill
philosophy & education student

INFJ (NiFe) + 1w2 so/sp 125
mage of blood + licen (for the homestucks)

Who I'd like to meet:

YES: other queer adults, fellow nerds and creatives, generally anybody so long as you are kind and nonjudgmental :-)
NO: people under 18 (sorry, just for my own comfort!), needlessly argumentative people, etc.

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