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"Trying to get myself out of a reading slump (it's not working)"

20 | Finland

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Mood: Feeling woozy

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Pot's Interests


Been drawing for several years, for some reason have an unhealthy obsession with ms paint and probably haven't drawn on anything else for 2 years. I love going to the theater with my dad, and I also partake in some passive birdwatching x) Really wanna buy some binoculars 'cause my eyesight seems to suck... not even glasses can save me


My taste in music changes with the season, but here are some of the artists and bands I follow:

Gregory and the Hawk
The Smiths
The Cure
Oingo Boingo
The Oh Hellos
Jack Stauber
Glass Beach
Talking Heads
Hop Along, Queen Ansleis
Frank Sinatra


Ghibli movies
American Psycho
What We Do In The Shadows
Jojo Rabbit


Over The Garden Wall
How To With John Wilson


I have this one old non-fiction book about linguistics. But for what I've seen, the book presents no new information and the author just lists the most obvious facts to the table, trying to sound like the smartest motherfucker by using fancy words and it's the most god damn hilarious thing I've ever seen in a book. So entertaining. I absolutely love reading it every now and then. I got that thing from the thrift store for like 50 cents, what a steal

Other than that, I've really enjoyed Watership Down <33, Woman In The Window (EVEN THOUGH THE ENDING SUCKED IMO!!!) Agatha, and The Midnight Library (even though I also have my opinions on that) Also nostalgic about Warrior Cats and Harry Potter


Pot's Latest Blog Entries [View Blog]

Today has been a nice day at school. I wanna commemorate it (view more)

Abandoning your creative pursuits out of perfectionism and the fear of other people's judgement (+talk about social media) (view more)

They shut down the Little Big Planet servers forever (view more)

Pot's Blurbs

About me:

I've decided that this shall be the place where I'll unleash the most annoying version of myself. Sorry fellas Wii Pointer #1 Tilt Normal

Who I'd like to meet:

Would be cool to talk with someone with similar interests || looking 4 people around the same age as me

no under 17yo pls

Pot's Friends Comments

Displaying 6 of 6 comments ( View all | Add Comment )

shirubā pupa

shirubā pupa's profile picture

heyy thank you for adding me back xx

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syber.'s profile picture

thank you for the add. ^^
you have great taste in music. !

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fraise's profile picture

thank you for the add :):)!!!!! i'm wondering now, what linguistics book are you talking about in your "books" section?

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Sorry for the late response, didn't have the book in my reach since I keep it at my dad's place. It's called Language and linguistics: An introduction to the study of language, written by JF Wallwork (1969)

Honestly it's probably not as bad as I make it out to be. Considering that the book's meant to be an introduction to linguistics, it's just expected that it goes through simple topics as a way to ease people in.

The thing that makes it entertaining to me, is going through loops trying to understand what the author is saying, to only realize he is explaining a very easy concept. Most likely it roots from the fact that the book was written in the 60's. The english they spoke was much different from what we're used to now. Thus many words may seem a bit foreign. (Especially considering I'm not a native speaker)

PS: Thanks for accepting my friend request, i love ur pfp!!!

by Pot; ; Report


Oompa's profile picture

I draw too! Hope you are having a good time, thanks for being my friend POT!

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Dude I checked ur profile and I really dig the vibes. Awesome blog posts, keep it up. Glad to be your friend x)

by Pot; ; Report


by Oompa; ; Report


TwinkleToes's profile picture

Hello ty for the request :D

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Np! I saw Patrick Bateman and thought you seemed pretty cool x)

by Pot; ; Report


DXV's profile picture

we have so much in common :0

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Oh wait we do!!?! Dude that's sick

by Pot; ; Report