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"fr0nting rn, f33l1ng gr8 !!"

b 3 a n z

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Mood: p0gger$ !!

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sceneré's Interests


aesthetic$: scenecore (duhhh/lh), gl1tchc0r3, y2k, w3irdc0re, traum4 c0r3, limin4l sp4c3s, 4c1d w4v3, b4rb1e core, bubbl3gum b1tch, cl0wnc0r3, crackh34d --------- games: m1necr4ft, t3a4m f0rtr3ss 2 (haven't got 2 play it but it l00ks s^p3r swag), c00k13 run, d4nganr0npa --------- k1nz: strab3rry c00k1e, d3vil co0ki3, p4ncake cooki3, ch3rry c00ookie, r4spb3rry c0ooki3, t1ger l1ly coo0kie, ch1l1 p3pper cookie, v4mp1r3 c00kie, s0rb3t shark cooki3, m1nt ch0c0 co0ki3, p0megr4n3t c--kie, alm0nd c00kie, l1l4c c00kie, p4rfait cooki3, h3rb c00kie, sparkl1ng cooki3, all the 4ncients c00kies, pyr0 [tf2], spy [tf2], m3dic [tf2], s4yak4 ma1z0no, c3lest14 lud3nberg, junk0 en0sh1m4, t0ko fuk4w4, n4g1t0 k0m43da [DOUBL3S DN1], ibuk1 mi0d4


mcr, green d4y, r4v3 mus1c, 8-bit sh1t, ayesh4 3r0t1ca, gl1tchc0re playl1sts, v0caloid playl1sts


m3an g1rls, the 1st sp0ng3b0b movi3 (shut ^p it's g00d/gen /lh), the fr1day the 13th ser13s


r^by gl00m, st3v3n univ3rs3, (planning on w4tch^ng) h3rm1tcr4ft c0unts r1ght ?


mor3 of a m^g4z1n3 p3rso^


l1t3rally all of m^ k1nz

sceneré's Latest Blog Entries [View Blog]

BRUH M0M3NT (view more)

H3LL0 !!!!!!!!!! [r3guard1ng wh0 i w4nna m33t, tr4nslat10n of my qu1rk] (view more)

sceneré's Blurbs

About me:

h3yyy !! my name is sceneré !! i am a p4rt of the star 🌟 system !! i slide around the ages of 16-19, and if i do post, it'll pr^bs be 4t n1ght. also as you can see, i have a habit of d0ing th!s weird 4ss typing qu!rk, idk y, i've been d0ing it eve3r s1nce i form3d :/, it usually gets like super bad (like, no letters at ALL will be shown bad) if im str3ss3d or rlly angry. i am a s0cial pr^tect0r !!

Who I'd like to meet:

anyone and 3very1 !! it's fun 2 meet ppl !! i don't wanna se3 any transph0bes or h0moph0b3s racists, or anyt1ng l1k3 that, they're nastee

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