
Isaac's profile picture

"Always listening to music"

16 y/o guy with zero social skills and alot of musical knowledge.

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Mood: Geeked

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Isaac's Interests


I enjoy playing horror games such at Resident evil 7 and 8 and the Silent Hill games. I like going out on walks with people and having a coffee with them. I love people who don't judge others based off how they look or dress and rather just care about people.


I love black metal, death metal, extreme metal, ANY metal to be real! I know quite a bit about this stuff and love when people talk to me about it. I enjoy post punk, hardcore punk, gothic rick and prog rock as well. Strangely enough I am also enticed in some classical music. I love it. At the moment I play the piano, guitar and bass guitar.




My favourite books are Animal Farm, Mice and Men and 1984 I also love Graphic Novels such as Hellboy and 2000 AD


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