Ignacio Bywaters

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Ignacio Bywaters's Interests


I like dark and decadent things but also cute things ig In media I likes stories of difficult circustances but people with hope trying to overcome them. I'm a pretty big history nerd, but not like those people who only like war and know like 500 different types of tanks. I like all kind of history and am more interested on how people lived back in the day and the politics of the world that led to our modern day. I like bunnies :) And arachnids :)


My favourites genres are Metal, Punk and Symphonic Metal, but I also listen to Vocaloid songs a lot. I like most genres too. My favorite band is Tanuki Their youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCbnMIHrxG6SdFB_gLRG21Qg


My favourites movies are Spirited Away and Monty Python and the Holy Grail. If it's funny, sad or really weird, I'll probably like it.


My favourite TV show of all time is Red vs Blue. My favourite seinen anime is Serial Experiments Lain and my favourite shonen anime is Azumanga Daioh.


If you consider Visual Novels, my favourite one is Narcissu, but I am reading Higurashi currently and it's extremely good. I also like Katawa Shoujo but only Rin's route really. For mangas, I really like Berserk and Yotsuba. For normal books, I like Brave New World and Frankenstein.


I don't really like superheroes.

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Ignacio Bywaters's Blurbs

About me:

Random Chilean Teenager. I like history, gothic stuff and old internet! The rest of my interest are pretty basic. Videogames, anime and stuff. Huge Dark Souls Shill!!!

Who I'd like to meet:

Anyone really, I just want to make friends and share stuff I like

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