
Wan_Wan!!'s profile picture

"doing my makeup "

just a lil guy

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Mood: Silly

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Wan_Wan!!'s Interests


anime,art,mlp,sonic,music,cosplaying,pink,collecting stuff,gyaru


https://open.spotify.com/playlist/6nWTS6k4c29Y4C4lgAU6zN https://soundcloud.com/dj-bluepaw41/sets/norm-music


lupin the first, any nightmare on elm street, Halloween




Wan_Wan!!'s Latest Blog Entries [View Blog]

my wall (view more)

rain (view more)


ahhhhhh (view more)

I HATE MY JOB (view more)

Wan_Wan!!'s Blurbs

About me:

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Who I'd like to meet:

PEOPLE WHO ARE INTO GYARU i would love to have gal friends :)

Wan_Wan!!'s Friends Comments

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l1v's profile picture

hullo IM noah but u can call me liv , i post art alot or random crap alot :D
ssome of my art is here https://zippyimage.com/loserlvd OMG I SOUND LIKE THOS THING THINGS FOR WHENEVER PPL GET ADDED STAWP UM UM SORRY

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