
earth2olivia 's profile picture


17, CA, slightly off putting

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Mood: lethargic

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earth2olivia 's Interests


Using this s[ace as a little about me section. Ummmm im a 17yo from canada with a lot of free time so i decided to see whats up on spacehey. I think i first found out about this website like 3 years ago lol. I'm really into making collages, destroying my stomach lining with takis, getting high, watching horror movie analysis, and hanging out with my friends/boyfriend. My bestfriends are actually also on here, shoutout mama.sherb and jordan! :3


✰Fiona apple ✰The cardigans ✰MCR ✰Sade ✰P!ATD ✰Ethal cain ✰Weezer ✰The cure ✰Amy winehouse ✰Bob marley ✰Radiohead ✰Pierce the veil ✰Alex g ✰Grimes


✰Trainspotting ✰Little miss sunshine ✰Juno ✰Scott pilgrim vs the world ✰Connie darko ✰Coraline ✰Kill bill ✰Ghost world ✰Daisies


✰The IT crowd ✰Daria ✰Mr and Mrs Smith ✰MTV downtown ✰Bojack horsemen ✰


i need to read more



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confusing few days (view more)

pure gluttony (view more)

✫SoLaR eClIpSe✫ (view more)

04/02/24 (view more)

V DAY!! (view more)

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not rlly picky about it, just c00000llllll ppl:) no creeps, bigots, or french ppl. the french part is a joke....mostly.....just skeptical....

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