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duhmico's Interests


mico / they he it / 22


shinsei kamattechan, ashleybrookexo, takayan, rain paris, flatsound, kim dracula, i monster, femm, nastyona, la dispute, cavetown, the orion experience, and girl in red are some. i'm def forgetting some tho


mostly horror movies if we're being honest, my faves are the child's play series, scream 1-4 (haven't seen the latest or the show), texas chainsaw massacre, midsommar, perfect blue, and creep 1 & 2


don't really watch tv outside of anime orz, i want to though


i struggle with reading so unfortunately none /sobs


dolly parton and jennifer tilly

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duhmico's Blurbs

About me:

hiii i'm mico, i'm 22, white, queer, and i use any prns besides she/her! i live in cali rn and work as a freelance artist and writer. i struggle w memory since i'm still trying to work out meds w my psych, so pls bear with me! i love all things sanrio and i hyperfixate on bnha a lot, so feel free to talk to me abt it! other than those two, tlou 1 & 2 are my biggest interests and something i am literally /always/ willing to talk abt. and finally, please be respectful, and if you need to call me out on anything, feel free to!


Who I'd like to meet:

dni ;; i won't talk to minors, sorry! i'm 22, so, y'know. if you support lolishota or cub stuff, block me. i hate you sincerely. don't be racist, homophobic, transphobic, ect. if you use terms like trap or futa, also block me. please don't interact with me if you talk a lot about unreality things, i'm schizoaffective and struggle with reality already. on top of that, if you purposefully try and trigger schizophrenics bc it's "funny" i hope you choke. byf ;; as i said, i'm schizoaffective but on meds, so i might talk a bit about that! not a lot, but sometimes. i use tone indicators out of habit, if you don't want me to, just let me know. i rp and stuff, so if you wanna talk characters, i'm always down!!

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