abby :)

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junior high student from the united states :)

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Mood: tired. always. tired.

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abby :)'s Interests


your mum, dream smp (not a dream stan though, i hate them just as much as you do), g i r l s, art, philosophy and existenial stuff, algebra, science, black holes, supermassive stars, and other space-y things,


girl in red, lovejoy, taylor swift, hamilton, cavetown, bo burnham, and a lot of other random songs lol


i dont watch movies i dont have the attention span-


gilmore girls, the good place, and thats kind of it I spend my whole life on youtube help-


george, heartstopper, one of us is lying, stargirl, a brief history of time (stephen hawking)


idk man

abby :)'s Latest Blog Entries [View Blog]

existential gibberish (view more)

idk man (view more)

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About me:

hello! im abbyyyyy im panromantic and ace, i like to think im funny (my god why was that sentence so cringe wth), I have anxiety (mostly social but also related to other things) and I don't like loud places, I stutter sometimes when I meet people I want to like me- freaking anxiety man, least helpful thing ever- people also tell me I'm smart, no idea if that's true, but you can be the judge of that one asldhslajfhs

Who I'd like to meet:

your mum

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