
iole's profile picture

"taking the day off to crochet"

scotland forever

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Mood: horny

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iole's Interests


crochet, gainz, hot moms, cooking, fermentation (pickles, kimchi, yogurt, makgeoli, sourdough)


fob, ptv, hu, aaf, tdg




dune the witcher cloud atlas


melanie martinez katya zamo florence welch

iole's Latest Blog Entries [View Blog]

Your maw does the weekly shop at poundland (view more)

If a crab loses his eye from another crab ripping it off.. is that just life? and the crab has to live with one eye? (view more)

iole's Blurbs

About me:

she/her ENFJ 8w7 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The waiter says "Say When", grating the parmesan cheese over my pizza. Foolish mistake. Anyone should know that there is no "when". As parmesan fills the restaurant, the pizza only gets better. After only an hour, the restaurants interior its completely filled with parmesan, killing twenty. But the resuraunt is only the beginning. Next the USA will be taken by parmesan, a force stronger than anyone could have anticipated. After that comes the world. Consider this a warning, to get to a foreign planet immediately. At least that will provide temporary safety, until the parmesan rises to mars. At that point, there will be enough cheese on my pizza, and I will be ready to eat.

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Scotland forever

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