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"burning out"


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Mood: copacetic

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msratlady's Interests


I generally like reading, writing, playing video games, and drawing. I play games such as Roblox, minecraft, Stardewvalley, Red Dead 2, Genshin, DBH, LFD2, and much more. When i find a new game or story that really peaks my interest it's over. I can make myself happy and occupy my time with just that specific thing. I love writing so much when it's on something that makes me happy. I tend to write more fictional stories and just story plots that come to my mind. I realize now that I tend to write more general information on stories I think I'll write. So for example if I want to write a story about a knight and a princess who fall in love, rather than writing the actual story i tend to just write the characters backgrounds, personalities, and families. more like a character report?


any type of indie music such as The Oh Hellos, Joy Again, AJJ, Beach Bunny, and so much more


I like all genres of movies preferably romance, mystery, and horror ones.


I don't really watch TV anymore but i enjoy watching a lot of youtube


I like fantasy fiction books such as Howls Moving Castle, Harry Potter (im a big fucking fan any hufflepuffs out there?), I read a lot of fics from many different fandoms


i'm assuming this means fictional suepr heroes so Batman, Wonderwoman, Dr.Strange, uhhh yeah not a hero but catwoman? yes please

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About me:

Hi! I'm just a friendly rat lover looking to make friends :) my pronouns are she/her, I have 2 friendly pet rats named Sylvester and Monty and a handsome dog named Hercules

Who I'd like to meet:

Hello! I'm looking for people who like playing video games, reading, writing, drawing, or are into anime/manga. I'm quite introverted and shy so if you reach out and i take a while to respond im sorry!

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