Crystal Sage

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Crystal Sage's Interests


Computers, books, games (table top or console), music of all sorts, except maybe rap and the depressing type of country, languages (learning Hangul currently), travel, geography...anything, really. I’m not doing much these days while I try to save up to possibly build a house in Astoria.


Anything except most rap and that depressing type of country. Currently listening to more k-pop than anything. It has made driving without crying possible again.


Lots. Although I’m not up to par on what the latest ones coming out are. I don’t see ads for them any more, so I rely on my Facebook groups to keep me informed. Feel free to ask me about something new and make me search for it. It’s the only way I’m going to hear about new movies.


I’m not binge watching anymore. I don’t have the attention span for it. However, I enjoy all things sci-fi, adventure, comedy, and light hearted sarcasm. Example: IT crowd, Korean odyssey, Naruto, pacific rim, Memorist, Red dwarf, elementary, lie to me, leverage...


I read a lot. I read most genres. I prefer clever.


Indiana Jones, Laura Croft, Watson.

Crystal Sage's Latest Blog Entries [View Blog]

AIP Diet...and Autoimmune diseases (view more)

Watching my dramas (view more)

Crystal Sage's Blurbs

About me:

Well... I suppose you could call me a hot mess. I should come with a warning label about being myself. sometimes I start conversations in the middle.

Who I'd like to meet:

People for some conversation. I’m easily amused these days.

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