mikkie X-X

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"just got home from school :)"

mikkie || he/him (=^ ◡ ^=)

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Mood: very good :)

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mikkie X-X's Interests


kandi, drawing, shopping, spending money on useless things, listening to music, cats, making earrings/jewlery in general, deltarune/undertale, the elder scrolls, fnaf (not just security breach btw), and spending wayy too much time on my phone lol


my chemical romance, pierce the veil, the used, get scared, sleeping with sirens, escape the fate, paramore, the front bottoms, and gorillaz are some of the popular artists i like ´・ᴗ・`


i don’t watch many movies, but i do like the older disney films also tim burton movies C:


i watch anime sometimes, but not as much as i used to :// i can’t sit through an entire series lol. i do like tbhk though!! its not anime but ever after high too


i used to be into the warriors series, but i would definitely still talk about it even if not still reading!! i also love the hunger games, wings of fire, and harry potter i hate jk rowling tho (¬_¬)


frank iero

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About me:

Cool Purple Outer Glow Pointer hii i’m mikkie!! i use he/him pronouns and i am 13 i really like cats (=`ω´= ) also i am bisexual. racists, transphobes, homophobes, etc. dont interact with me u are not welcome here :[ also nobody 17+!

Who I'd like to meet:

other queer/trans people? or maybe emo/scene people too? i’d like that!!! (≧▽≦)

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