Mclaura Spence

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I'm from Chalfont, PA

Last active:

Mood: Alive

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Mclaura Spence's Interests


Camping, cooking, gardening, cuddling, holding hands, open affection, romance, fun, excitement




Casablanca, snow white, Alice in the wonderland, home alone, titanic, Bourne ultimatum, Annabelle, Nightmare before Christmas, Corpse Bride, Sinister, Shutter, Dune, Gothika, Life


gossip girl, youtube poop, wonder showzen, the last kingdom, twin peaks



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Mclaura Spence's Blurbs

About me:

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Who I'd like to meet:

Someone soft spoken, easy going and fun to be with

Mclaura Spence's Friends Comments

Displaying 4 of 4 comments ( View all | Add Comment )

Perty The Virtual Musician

Perty The Virtual Musicia...'s profile picture

💕 💞

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Marcus's profile picture

Thanks for the add

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Perty The Virtual Musician

Perty The Virtual Musicia...'s profile picture

💕 💞

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Kaine Depraysie

Kaine Depraysie's profile picture

Thanks for the add.

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