
Rachel's profile picture

"Chillin in bed, trying to make a profile lol"

14 year old trapped in a 31 year old body feeling like 65

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Mood: Meh

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Rachel's Interests


Video games, music, books, art, witchcraft. Ya know, the basics lol


I like a lot of different types of music. I'm more of an alternative girl (of course), but I've been known to listen to everything from rap to country. I'm always down for new music, too!


I'm a sucker for a RomCom lol


Pretty much anything on Netflix. Honestly watch YouTube more than anything else lol


I don't make enough time for books anymore. I've got a lot of twisted Disney tales that I've been reading, I've got Breaking Dawn to read (I know, I know, but the Twi-hard in me has to read it lol) plus the Outlander books. Harry Potter (Before Rowling outted herself as a terf) and loads of other young adult books. OH, The Shadowhunters series


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Rachel's Blurbs

About me:

Hello! My name is Rachel, I am 31, and I live in Alaska! I'm happily married to my amazing husband (7 years strong!). We're currently looking at relocating to Texas to be closer to my family in Oklahoma

Who I'd like to meet:

I'd like to meet awesome people!

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