CS Stanley

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“His work ranges from paintings to decorative guitars and hand grenades to a sculpture reading “Blow me” with Robert Indiana’s iconic LOVE lettering as a component part, to the First Church of cannabis logo. He’s an artist who proves that Hoosier art can both be LOVEly and outrageous. “ - Nuvo






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About me:

American contemporary street artist C.S. Stanley is known for his stencil based artwork and his imaginative visual interpretation. His work exhibits in local and international venues and has appeared on T.V. and print. Stanley also explores a variety of mixed media with his art including 3D print, digital design, mold casting and making. appointed the Director of Art at The First Church of Cannabis in 2015 for his contribution to the interior design of the church, including murals and set design. In 2017, Stanley was voted Nuvo's Best Visual 3D Artist for his forced perspective artwork including his hand-cast collectibles. In 2019, he was awarded Most influential Cannabis Artist at the Indiana Cannabis Awards for his continued art activism and related work within the cannabis and hemp industry. “His work ranges from paintings to decorative guitars and hand grenades to a sculpture reading “Blow me” with Robert Indiana’s iconic LOVE lettering as a component part, to the First Church of cannabis logo. He’s an artist who proves that Hoosier art can both be LOVEly and outrageous. “ - Nuvo Stanley currently lives and works in Indianapolis, Indiana.

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