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enTTY's Interests
General |
I've been facinated with technology since I can remember. Computers, and the networks that connect them, are a playground. Sometimes things break. I have a pet server rack in my living room, and a little more hardware than a midsize company horded to myself. In my spare time I'll do weird things like attempt to run my own services which substitute common internet services like Google Search, or Zoom, or Dropbox. My unattainable goal is to one day not need any of these services. Additionally I'm a serial refurbisher. People give me old hardware, and I clean it up and pass it along to people who need computers. They aren't great, but they're free, or at least cheap. |
Music |
I used to listen to an ungodly amount of metal. Then I stopped being a pretentious dickhead just long enough to realize I liked EDM, and a not-insignificant quanitity of pop music; and now I don't know who I am anymore. But I still listen to an awful lot of metal. |
Movies |
I will gravitate towards mindless action, fantasy, or scifi. If trapped in a room and lured with candy/snacks I might sit through anything else. |
Television |
Anime. Otherwise I'll throw a local news loop channel on in the background until I can't stand it anymore. I will leave a room if TV comedy is playing. I can't explain why, but I'd rather pour boiling water on myself than cringe through half-an-hour of almost any comedy sitcom. |
Books |
My pile of fantasy novels is almost as expansive as the length of time since I last read one. :( Life is busy, and there's just so much happening around me that curling up with a book feels unreasonable. |
Heroes |
Probably Grace Hopper. There are a lot of people in technology who have done things I admire, but people have flaws and heroes are dangerous. |
enTTY's Blurbs
About me:
Unperturbed sysadmin keeping the lights blinking and the users.. usering.
Who I'd like to meet:
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