"moved to NightOwlFinch! go there now!"
creature of the night
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General |
The owl finch, also known as the double-barred or Bicheno finch, is characterized by a dark patch around their face. It gives them a barn owl like appearance, gaining them the name ‘owl’ finch. The males and females of the species looks almost the same, whereas the young ones have a more brownish appearance. These active finches are to be kept in spacious cages or large planted aviaries. Soft wood or branches form a good perch option. As they love building their own nests, a half-opened nest box or wicker nest basket should be placed in the cage, along with some coconut fiber and dry grass for nesting material. |
Music |
Mnly lihabetaly lol): spera Flg - Black Sbath - The ualties - Charly Garsh - The C - Danig - Deas - Desce Doors -ighters - azi -oses - Hatebred - Iron - Judat - KIn - zkit - LPark - Megdeth - Metallireat - Miana - Operaterl Jam - The PolGirl - RATnes - RancRolng Stonestols - Soda Sn (+) |
Movies |
These sociable, friendly, energetic finches are swift climbers, flying around freely when kept in large cages, whereas small enclosures make them panic. Being curious in nature they go forward to check any new addition to their dwellings. They do well with other species, having a similar temperament and size as theirs; however, they dislike being crowded. The male finches become aggressive with one another in the female’s presence during breeding. |
Television |
Garfield |
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Heroes |
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! |
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