
Pħarøaħ's profile picture

"Listening to music or playing guitar"

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Pħarøaħ's Interests


Music(rap, rock, metal, anything else except country) tv, movies, skateboarding


TOOL, tyler the creator, earl sweatshirt, odd future, fatmowf, childish gambino, frank ocean, radiohead, type o negative, megadeth, slipknot, linkin park, alice in chains, nirvana, pantera, tame impala, mac demarco, masayoshi takanaka, early kanye, and more


Step brothers, forrest gump, big trouble in little china, ferris beullers day off, neverending story, any cheesy 80's action movies, back to the future, catch me if you can, the perks of being a wallflower


Suits, brooklyn 99, avatar the last airbender, jojo's bizarre adventure, saiki K, vinland saga, full metal alchemist, loiter squad



Maynard james keenan, Adam jones, tyler the creator, dave mustaine, chuck schuldiner, Spider-man, in(title card)vincible, the flash

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Pħarøaħ's Blurbs

About me:

I'm 14 turning 15 in april, i like odd future and all the members. I like metal and rock and all those types of genres and playing guitar, and i like watching movies and going places

Who I'd like to meet:

Maynard james keenan, adam jones, justin chancellor, danny carrey, tyler the creator, earl sweatshirt, dave mustaine, kenny hickey, jerry cantrell, way more

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