
Cherry's profile picture

"living the invisible life"

Sweet Perfection Wrapped in Chaos

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Mood: You're all by yourself but you're not alone

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Cherry's Interests


HOBBIES: ☆ LEARNING ☆Making jewelry, specifically earrings and wrapped stone necklaces. ☆World of Warcraft (when I have blocks of free time) ☆ASTROLOGY ☆NUMEROLOGY


What feelings sound like... Mostly 90s to 20s alternative and mainstream rock from all ages, but sometimes things just strike me as astounding & it sucks me in.


Donnie Darko The Illusionist


☆Nonfiction conspiracy theory everything!!! ☆X-Files, Ancient Aliens, Oak Island ☆ANYTHING KING ARTHUR (and anything resembling that period) ☆Game of Thrones ☆Walking Dead


Paulo Coelho's everything ever


Don't forget to check out my etsy shop! SweetPerfectChaos.

Cherry's Latest Blog Entries [View Blog]'re a 9 (view more)

Invisible... (view more)

Mood (view more)

Lonely (view more)

Missing dad (view more)

Cherry's Blurbs

About me:

Cherry here! 40 yo Aries with a whole lotta Leo inflections.... I am a lifelong spiritualist with gifts some deny and others wish they had. Among other things, I am a mom, manager, crafter, tarot reader, numerologist, astrologer... Ever since I was 4 years old, I have been told that I have an old soul. People have always said I am wiser beyond my years, all the while arguing that I am not as old as I look. I have always correlated this to Triple Goddess, the Maiden Mother and Crone theory... I am one yet I am all. But beyond all, I AM...

Who I'd like to meet:

Like minded souls that can share in my journey, those looking to grow, and those open to sharing their own wisdom WHAT I'M ABSOLUTELY NOT LOOKING FOR: ☆ Anyone looking to be my "friend" to increase their numbers ☆To be someone's "soulmate" I can smell narcissism from a mile a way ☆This is not a hookup site or dating app, I'm here to make genuine friends and post freely as I see fit, ☆I am married and you are not going to change that ☆I will not cheat on my husband because you need attention

Cherry's Friends Comments

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Lyrian Space Frequencies

Lyrian Space Frequencies's profile picture

It always excites me to meet someone else into "conspiracy theories" -mixed feelings about that term but for lack of a better one it works. Perhaps fringe or esoteric topics, I don't know. ;)
Also big into aliens, UFOs cyptids, etc. I actually have a group on here "paranormal stuff" that you're more than welcome to join if you feel inclined! :)

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Funny enough, that's how I found you

by Cherry; ; Report


ATRAiN904 WHATSG00D's profile picture

appreciate the add fellow supporter sending love from Florida your way! 🙋‍♂️💕

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Blaize 's profile picture

ah girl! lol learning html again was tough but worth itttt!!!

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I haven't logged in on my PC yet, I've been doing everything from my phone, wait until I am in my office...zomg

by Cherry; ; Report

this is so tedious, but wow is it amazing that I even have a reason to look at coding again

by Cherry; ; Report