Porter Jason Robinson

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"Thinking about Noodle sama"

23, Male, he/him, 21/10/01

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Mood: yurrr

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Porter Jason Robinson's Interests


Parappa, pokemon, my little pony, sonic, +Anima, happy tree friends, fnaf, bluey, 


Social repose, savlonic, gorillaz, maximum the hormone, lil darkie, arctic monkeys, ghost town, marianas trench, Jack off Jill, falling in reverse, plastic tree, veorra, eptic, 1800 pain, we butter the bread with butter


Scott pilgrim, big hero 6, frankenweenie


Happy tree friends, my little pony, pokemon, hero 108, the awesomes


Kneebone boy, harry potter, scott pilgrim, geronimo stilton 


Parappa, lil darkie

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About me:

Heya my name is Porter, not to be confused with the musician by the same name. I am a 23 year old Parappa fanartist and animator who also draws furries, ponies, and people! All of my socials are under Paperthinpuppy such as toyhouse, twitter, tumblr, and discord. I do suffer from BPD and schizophrenia so i might not interact back much if i dont know you. My profile picture was made by Parokka on tumblr. 

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