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"idk prlly being silly"

she/her, 17, UK

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Mood: tired...

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nyabiii's Interests


i love programming, synthesizers and retro stuff like old cameras and phones! i also collect vinyls and cassettes occasionally and i want to some day build my own analog synthesizer from scratch :D


i have a broad music taste but some of my favourite artsits are: Elliot Smith, Subhumans, Opeth, Iron Maiden, Christian Death (with Rozz Williams more so than after), Cynthoni/Sereslvt, Used Cvnt, Cavetown, Adrianne Lenker, Neutral Milk Hotel, Femtanyl, The Cure, The Smiths (but fuck morrisey that guy can rot), Japan, Black Sabbath , Daft Punk, Merciful Fate.


I'll be honest, im not a *huge* fan of movies... HOWEVER there were some i really enjoyed: Twighlight (i know it sucks but i still love it :3), The Hobbit, The Lord of the Rings.


I generally prefer shows to movies and my absolute favourite shows are Gravity Falls, Adventure Time and Amazing World of Gumball. all of which i grew up with! :3c i also LOVE bee & puppycat, i often find myself re watching old shows rather than new ones cos i find it easier especially since i find it hard to get into new shows and even harder to find something i will actually enjoy.


i dont really read as much as i should honestly.... but when i do its usually one of the programming books or one of the books i have about synthesizers & electronic engineering.


I am a HUGE fan of Lena Raine and Maddy Thorson, honestly two of my biggest inspirations carreer-wise. Lena Raine is such a talented musician and Maddy Thorson is such an amazing programmer! :D. I have a few more inspirations but there is alot to list and arent as big as Lena Raine and Maddy Thorson are to me especially since i suck at comparing myself to certain people (unless were talking about gender envy sadly). I want to one day be a solo indie developer who can support herself financially and still has fun doing what she does, but im not sure what my chances are sadly ;-;

nyabiii's Latest Blog Entries [View Blog]

Thinking abt making a game with quake... (view more)

First time using CSS! (view more)

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About me:

Hiya! im a 17yo transbian game dev from the uk. im slightly socially anxious but id love to meet new people! i mf LOVE clowns, if i had the money and sewing talent id absolutely dress clowncore all the time but im broke af and suck at sewing and dont have the makeup lol.i love making music when im free (although im not very good at it lol), i dont play any particular instruments but i used to be pretty good at accordion, though i havent played in ages. i'm trying to practice bass and guitar alot more tho! My favourite game is Celeste, second fav is stardew valley and third is Terraria. Im currently playing Dark Souls 1 and Baldurs Gate 3 Falling Rose Petals

Who I'd like to meet:

mainly just nice people :3

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