
Nailboo πŸ”₯'s profile picture

"Questioning life"

whoops πŸŽ€

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Mood: Serving cunt rn!!!!

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Nailboo 's Interests


I’m Hispanic, tall, very pale :(, chubby, and I’m quite a loud person. Take that as you will! Always serving cunt!!!! <333


"Angelina" by Tommy Genesis "Time and time again" by Chronic Future "To catch a predator" by ICP "Ick" by Lay Banks "Noel’s Lament" by Khobly Wardell "Emo Boy" by Ayesha Erotica "Anaconda" by Nicki Minaj "Crazy Girls" by TOOPOOR "Big Juicy" by Ayesha Erotica "Not Allowed" by TV Girl "Teachers Pet" by Melanie Martinez "nuts" by Lil Peep "Hello Kitty" by Jazmin Bean "Heartbeat" by Childish Gambino "Hokus Pokus" by Insane Clown Posse "Mia Khalifa" by iLOVEFRiDAY "Innocent Consent" by Caroline Carr "7 weeks & 3 days" by yungatita


Nacho Libre, Good Burger, Elvira, The Truman Show, Barbie, Star Wars, Norbit, thirteen, 28 days later, Legally Blonde, Bring It On, Mean Girls.


Breaking Bad, Jane the Virgin, CatFish, Sister Wives, South Park, The Simpsons, Family Guy, Better Call Saul.


Harry Potter, any horror stories!


My ma and my stepdad! My uncle, my main man. 6arlyhuman!!!!!!!!!!! My best friend <333

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Nailboo 's Blurbs

About me:

Heyyyy, I’m Nailboo! I exist, that’s nice. Hm, I like sports, and I absolutely adore makeup! I love the whole 'stereotype' of women, not the awful obvi. But like, the fake nails, the makeup, the beauty of a woman is just amazin'! Literally adore Hello Kitty!!! I’ve been told I’m funny! (I make fun of myself and people laugh idk) ITS ME IN THE PICTURES!!! I SWEAR MAN 😭😭😭. I am a MINOR. M I N O R!

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Fast Blinking Hello Kitty

Who I'd like to meet:

Literally anyone, I’m so damn bored, I love learning about new things, and I love meeting new people! Don’t be shy, I don’t bite :)

Nailboo 's Friends Comments

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ChronicEmo420's profile picture

thx for da add!!!

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No problem!! You seem pretty cool!! <3

by Nailboo ; ; Report