Dou-Kan Morin

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23|5.9(180), TR/ENG/AZE learning PT, he/him, Turkish

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Mood: Tranquil

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Dou-Kan Morin's Interests


I love making dessert and all about pastry also i'd like drawing or writing lyrics for songs,basicly i love art and design somethings,for me doing those things what is giving me the life energy,and also beside those things i do like gaming tho! my favorite games are 1-5 like that; 1-LoL 2-Genshin impact 3-CS2 4-Valorant 5-M&B Bannerlord


I'd like listening every type of music but my fav 10 all the times are; 1-Ichiko Aoba - Asleep Among Endives 2-Alexander Rybak - Fairytale 3-Evgeny Grinko - Valse 4-LP - Lost on you 5-Frank Sinatra - Fly Me to the Moon 6-Köfn,Berika - Aklım Firarlarda 7-Duman - Öyle dertli 8-Gibran Alcocer - Idea 22 9-Izzamusic - Shootout 10-Tamino - Habibi


Most of the ghibli movies,Harry potter movies,Lotr movies,Disney movies and all Marvel movies but my fav movie comes from different topic (drama) the movie name called ''Ayla''.


I dont like watching tv but if disney and cartoon network series count in this yeah i'd say those things like Phineas and Ferb,Adventure Time,Regular show,Johnny Test,Johnny Bravo,Samurai Jack etc etc...


Les Misérables


Thorfinn Guts Miyamoto Musashi

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I'd like to meet 18+ anyone else except xenophobic people you can add me on via discord: morinzy

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Meni's profile picture

hello, little cutie! 🤎🥛🥨

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oi linda

by Dou-Kan Morin; ; Report