
Joey𖤐's profile picture

"Little Miss Scare All"

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Mood: Silly! :p

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Joey𖤐's Interests


i LUV Piercings (i've got 12 so far with many more to come) I like to draw and paint. I <333 collecting things! Buttons, Crystals, Cds, Pins, Posters, Stickers, ect! Goth fashion has my heart! i love cats! (ive got 5 :p) 


I LOOOVE METAL! of all kinds! HIM (my fav), VV, Avatar, Type O Negative, Wednesday 13, Slipknot, Darkthrone, Shellyz Raven <3, Skinny Puppy, The Birthday Massacre, Inkubus Sukkubus, NIN, Electric Wizard, Mortician, Cannibal Corpse, Murderdolls, Këkht Aräkh, Hole, Mazzy Star, Fiona Apple, Ramones, The Frankenstein Drag Queens From Planet 13, and so much more:) he-was-a-punk


House of 1000 Corpses, The Devil's Rejects, and The Three From Hell. I <333 Nosferatu!! I'm a big fan of all horror movies! Jackass (all of them), Heavy Trip :p (also any horror movie recs are fully welcome, I need more to watch!!)


Invader Zim, Ruby Gloom, What We Do in the Shadows, Jackass (again XD), Fleabag, RuPaul's Drag Race, Metalocalypse!!


The Perks of Being a Wallflower, Bram Stokers 'Dracula', all of Edgar Allan Poe's work <33, Sylvia Plath


Ville Valo, Gir (IZ), and my bsfs Moth and Em!<33

Joey𖤐's Latest Blog Entries [View Blog]


Joey𖤐's Blurbs

About me:

14, She/They, bi <3, I live in the U.S.

Who I'd like to meet:

Some goth/Metalhead friends! (and Ville Valo)

Joey𖤐's Friends Comments

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☆M&M☆'s profile picture

˗ˏˋ ★ ˎˊ˗ You have a funky little profile bestie :)

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, auto; } * { cursor: , auto; } /*=== font style ===*/ @font-face { font-family: "ElegantTypewriter-L3Pa3"; src: url('//'); } @font-face { font-family: "IMFeDPsc28P"; src: url('//'); } /*=== layout details ===*/ :root{ --font-family: --curve: 0px; } .url-info{display:none !important;} /* to hide the url */ .blurbs .heading{display:none !important;} /* to hide the blurbs heading */ h3, h4, h5, .url-info b{ color: var(--headers) !important;} /* headings*/ a{color: var(--links) !important;} /* color of links */ a:hover{color: var(--hover) !important;} /* color of links on hover */ p, h2{color: var(--text) !important;} /* color of text */ h1, .friends a p{color: var(--names) !important;} /* color of names, and friends counter */ h1, .friends a:hover p{color: var(--hover) !important;} /* color of names on hover */ nav label{color: var(--links) !important;} /* color of search */ .section h4 {color: var(--headers) !important;text-align:center;} /* aboutme & want2meet headings */ .section{color: var(--text) !important;} /* sometimes

is broken by embeds maybe. */ .comment-reply:not(:first-child){border-top: 3px double var(--links);} /* line in bewtween comment replies*/ .count{color:Gainsboro;} /*=== text decoration ===*/ a:hover, a:active, .blog-entry .kudos-btn:hover, .blog-entry .kudos-btn:active{ text-decoration: underline; text-decoration-style: wavy; } .logout-btn:hover, .logout-btn:active{ text-decoration: underline; text-decoration-style: wavy; } nav .top a:hover{ text-decoration: underline; text-decoration-style: wavy; } nav .links a:hover{ text-decoration: underline; text-decoration-style: wavy; } /*=== font family ===*/ a, p, nav label, .section{ font-family: "ElegantTypewriter-L3Pa3"; !important; text-shadow: 0px 0px 0px black !important; font-size: 14px!important; } h2, h3, h4, h5, DIV.mood > P:nth-child(1) > B, P:nth-child(2) > B{ font-family: "IMFeDPsc28P"; text-shadow: 0px 0px 0px black !important; letter-spacing: .3px; font-size: 16px!important; } /*=== padding and margin ===*/ .icon{border:none !important;} .blurbs{margin-top:10px !important;margin-bottom:30px !important} .friends{margin-top:-10px !important;margin-bottom:30px !important} .profile-info{border-radius: var(--curve) !important;} .comment-replies{border:5px inset var(--links);} .comments-table{border-radius: var(--curve) !important;border:none !important;} .table-section{padding-bottom:7px !important;margin-top:30px!important} #comments{margin-top:5px !important;padding-bottom:5px !important} .details p:last-child{color:var(--links) !important; 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border: 2px solid var(--links) !important; color:DarkGray !important; border-radius: 10px !important; } button{ border-radius: 10px !important; border: 0px solid DarkGray!important; font-family: var(--font-family) !important; background-color:rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.0) !important; color:var(--links)!important; } /*=== online icon and color ===*/ .online{color: var(--links) !important;} .online img { filter: brightness(0) saturate(100%) invert(42%) sepia(0%) saturate(0%) hue-rotate(10deg) brightness(96%) contrast(89%); !important; } /*=== profile name ===*/ h1{ padding-left: 30px !important; font-family: "IMFeDPsc28P"; font-size:30px !important; margin-top: -10px!important; color: DarkGray!important; } /*=== profile info ===*/ .profile-info{ border: var(--borders)!important; display: flex; align-items: center; justify-content: center; padding: 15px 5px; margin-top: 30px; } .profile-info .inner{ font-weight: bold; text-align: center; } /*=== contact ===*/ .contact { background: url(''); background-size: cover; border-radius: var(--curve) !important; padding: 2px !important; border: var(--borders) !important; } .contact .inner a img { font-size: 0; } .contact .inner a img:before { font-size: 1em; display: block } .contact .inner .f-row:nth-child(1) .f-col:nth-child(1) a:before { /* add to friends */ content: "✢" } .contact .inner .f-row:nth-child(1) .f-col:nth-child(2) a:before { /* add to favorites */ content: "⇢" } .contact .inner .f-row:nth-child(2) .f-col:nth-child(1) a:before { /* Send Message */ content: "☏" } .contact .inner .f-row:nth-child(2) .f-col:nth-child(2) a:before { /* forward to friend */ content: "⤇" } .contact .inner .f-row:nth-child(3) .f-col:nth-child(1) a:before { /* instant message */ content: "✎" } .contact .inner .f-row:nth-child(3) .f-col:nth-child(2) a:before { /* block user */ content: "⌧" } .contact .inner .f-row:nth-child(4) .f-col:nth-child(1) a:before { /* add to group */ content: "⇔" } .contact .inner .f-row:nth-child(4) .f-col:nth-child(2) a:before { /* report user */ content: "⊗" } /*=== images ===*/ main{ background: transparent; padding: 6px 0px; background-size: 100%; background-position: center; } .profile-pic img{ outline:none !important; border: var(--borders)!important; filter:drop-shadow(0px 0px 0px black)!important; } .profile .friends .person img{ border-radius: 10px; border: var(--borders) !important; filter:drop-shadow(0px 0px 0px black) !important; } .friends-grid{ text-align: center; } .friends-grid img{ outline:none !important; filter: opacity(90%) !important; border-radius: var(--curve) !important; } .inner img{ outline:none !important; filter: drop-shadow(0px 0px 0px black) !important; border-radius: var(--curve) !important; } /*=== interest table background color. replace transparent with any color to see the change ===*/ td { background-color: transparent!important; } hr{ border: 2px inset #221F1F; background: #221F1F; } /*=== boxes ===*/ .heading, .url-info, .blurbs, .friends, .table, .table-section, footer{ border-radius: var(--curve) !important; padding: 2px !important; border: var(--borders) !important; } .friends, .blurbs{ background: url(''); background-size: cover; } .mood, .blog-preview{ border-radius: var(--curve) !important; padding: 2px !important; border: var(--borders) !important; } .mood, .blog-preview { text-align: center; background: url(''); background-size: cover; border: var(--borders) !important; } .table-section{ border:var(--borders) !important; background: url(''); background-size: cover; border-radius: var(--curve) !important; } .heading{ background:transparent!important; padding-bottom: 4px !important; background-size:100%100%!important; text-align: center; border:none!important; } .comments-table td { background-image: url('') !important; background-size: cover; } .comments-table td:first-child{ background: url('')!important; background-size: 50%!important; } .comments-table td:first-child img { border: var(--borders); /* you can clip images at and add the code here */ } /*=== footer ===*/ footer{ color:red; text-align: center; font-size: 60%; margin: 10px 0 10px; padding: 10px 5px; background: url(''); background-size: cover; } /*=== Scrollbar styles ===*/ ::-webkit-scrollbar { width: 5px; height: 5px; } ::-webkit-scrollbar-track { border-radius: 0px; width: 1px; border: 5px inset DimGray; } ::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb { background: DimGray; border-radius: 0px; } ::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb:hover { background: DarkGray; } /*==========⚠️========== * for colors go to * for fonts go to * for cursors go to , , ============⚠️==========*/ /*=== cursors ===*/ a:hover{ cursor: url(''), auto; } * { cursor: url(''), auto; } /*=== font style ===*/ @font-face { font-family: "ElegantTypewriter-L3Pa3"; src: url('//'); } @font-face { font-family: "IMFeDPsc28P"; src: url('//'); } /*=== layout details ===*/ :root{ --headers: Darkgray; --text: DarkGray; --names: Gainsboro; --links: DimGray; --hover: whitesmoke; --borders: 4px inset #221F1F !important; --background_image: url(''); --font-family: "ElegantTypewriter-L3Pa3"; --curve: 0px; } .url-info{display:none !important;} /* to hide the url */ .blurbs .heading{display:none !important;} /* to hide the blurbs heading */ h3, h4, h5, .url-info b{ color: var(--headers) !important;} /* headings*/ a{color: var(--links) !important;} /* color of links */ a:hover{color: var(--hover) !important;} /* color of links on hover */ p, h2{color: var(--text) !important;} /* color of text */ h1, .friends a p{color: var(--names) !important;} /* color of names, and friends counter */ h1, .friends a:hover p{color: var(--hover) !important;} /* color of names on hover */ nav label{color: var(--links) !important;} /* color of search */ .section h4 {color: var(--headers) !important;text-align:center;} /* aboutme & want2meet headings */ .section{color: var(--text) !important;} /* sometimes

is broken by embeds maybe. */ .comment-reply:not(:first-child){border-top: 3px double var(--links);} /* line in bewtween comment replies*/ .count{color:Gainsboro;} /*=== text decoration ===*/ a:hover, a:active, .blog-entry .kudos-btn:hover, .blog-entry .kudos-btn:active{ text-decoration: underline; text-decoration-style: wavy; } .logout-btn:hover, .logout-btn:active{ text-decoration: underline; text-decoration-style: wavy; } nav .top a:hover{ text-decoration: underline; text-decoration-style: wavy; } nav .links a:hover{ text-decoration: underline; text-decoration-style: wavy; } /*=== font family ===*/ a, p, nav label, .section{ font-family: var(--font-family) !important; text-shadow: 0px 0px 0px black !important; font-size: 14px!important; } h2, h3, h4, h5, DIV.mood > P:nth-child(1) > B, P:nth-child(2) > B{ font-family: "IMFeDPsc28P"; text-shadow: 0px 0px 0px black !important; letter-spacing: .3px; font-size: 16px!important; } /*=== padding and margin ===*/ .icon{border:none !important;} .blurbs{margin-top:10px !important;margin-bottom:30px !important} .friends{margin-top:-10px !important;margin-bottom:30px !important} .profile-info{border-radius: var(--curve) !important;} .comment-replies{border:5px inset var(--links);} .comments-table{border-radius: var(--curve) !important;border:none !important;} .table-section{padding-bottom:7px !important;margin-top:30px!important} #comments{margin-top:5px !important;padding-bottom:5px !important} .details p:last-child{color:var(--links) !important; filter: brightness(95%);} .mood{margin-top:20px;} .blog-preview{margin-top:30px;} .mood, .blog-preview{margin-bottom: 30px;} .table-section, .blurbs, .friends{margin-bottom: 30px !important;} .friends{margin-top: 10px!important;} /*=== background image ===*/ body { background-size: contain; } /*=== navigation ===*/ /*=== change logo color at ===*/ nav{ background: url(''); background-size: cover; border: var(--borders); border-radius: var(--curve); } nav .top { background: rgba(0,0,0,0.0); } nav .top a{ color: var(--links)!important; } nav .links { background: transparent!important; background-size: 100%100%!important; text-align: center; font-size: 14px; } nav img.logo{ filter: brightness(0) saturate(100%) invert(42%) sepia(0%) saturate(0%) hue-rotate(10deg) brightness(96%) contrast(89%); !important;} nav .links li:not(:last-child)::after, footer .links li:not(:last-child)::after{ content: " ⋮ "; color: var(--text); } /*=== color the search bar and button ===*/ .search-wrapper input[type=text] { background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.0) !important; border: 2px solid var(--links) !important; color:DarkGray !important; border-radius: 10px !important; } button{ border-radius: 10px !important; border: 0px solid DarkGray!important; font-family: var(--font-family) !important; background-color:rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.0) !important; color:var(--links)!important; } /*=== online icon and color ===*/ .online{color: var(--links) !important;} .online img { filter: brightness(0) saturate(100%) invert(42%) sepia(0%) saturate(0%) hue-rotate(10deg) brightness(96%) contrast(89%); !important; } /*=== profile name ===*/ h1{ padding-left: 30px !important; font-family: "IMFeDPsc28P"; font-size:30px !important; margin-top: -10px!important; color: DarkGray!important; } /*=== profile info ===*/ .profile-info{ border: var(--borders)!important; display: flex; align-items: center; justify-content: center; padding: 15px 5px; margin-top: 30px; } .profile-info .inner{ font-weight: bold; text-align: center; } /*=== contact ===*/ .contact { background: url(''); background-size: cover; border-radius: var(--curve) !important; padding: 2px !important; border: var(--borders) !important; } .contact .inner a img { font-size: 0; } .contact .inner a img:before { font-size: 1em; display: block } .contact .inner .f-row:nth-child(1) .f-col:nth-child(1) a:before { /* add to friends */ content: "✢" } .contact .inner .f-row:nth-child(1) .f-col:nth-child(2) a:before { /* add to favorites */ content: "⇢" } .contact .inner .f-row:nth-child(2) .f-col:nth-child(1) a:before { /* Send Message */ content: "☏" } .contact .inner .f-row:nth-child(2) .f-col:nth-child(2) a:before { /* forward to friend */ content: "⤇" } .contact .inner .f-row:nth-child(3) .f-col:nth-child(1) a:before { /* instant message */ content: "✎" } .contact .inner .f-row:nth-child(3) .f-col:nth-child(2) a:before { /* block user */ content: "⌧" } .contact .inner .f-row:nth-child(4) .f-col:nth-child(1) a:before { /* add to group */ content: "⇔" } .contact .inner .f-row:nth-child(4) .f-col:nth-child(2) a:before { /* report user */ content: "⊗" } /*=== images ===*/ main{ background: transparent; padding: 6px 0px; background-size: 100%; background-position: center; } .profile-pic img{ outline:none !important; border: var(--borders)!important; filter:drop-shadow(0px 0px 0px black)!important; } .profile .friends .person img{ border-radius: 10px; border: var(--borders) !important; filter:drop-shadow(0px 0px 0px black) !important; } .friends-grid{ text-align: center; } .friends-grid img{ outline:none !important; filter: opacity(90%) !important; border-radius: var(--curve) !important; } .inner img{ outline:none !important; filter: drop-shadow(0px 0px 0px black) !important; border-radius: var(--curve) !important; } /*=== interest table background color. replace transparent with any color to see the change ===*/ td { background-color: transparent!important; } hr{ border: 2px inset #221F1F; background: #221F1F; } /*=== boxes ===*/ .heading, .url-info, .blurbs, .friends, .table, .table-section, footer{ border-radius: var(--curve) !important; padding: 2px !important; border: var(--borders) !important; 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padding: 10px 5px; background: url(''); background-size: cover; } /*=== Scrollbar styles ===*/ ::-webkit-scrollbar { width: 5px; height: 5px; } ::-webkit-scrollbar-track { border-radius: 0px; width: 1px; border: 5px inset DimGray; } ::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb { background: DimGray; border-radius: 0px; } ::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb:hover { background: DarkGray; }