
Aruphia 's profile picture

Friends~ meet me at the gathering hub / convention floor ?

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Mood: Live by these words "Unity, Duty, Destiny" - Bionicle

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Aruphia 's Interests


The more I fight, the more I work 

The more I dig into the dirt 

To be fed up, to be let down 

To somehow turn it all around 

But then fate knocks me to my knees 

And sets new heights beyond my reach






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Aruphia 's Blurbs

About me:

Hi I'm Beki, probably the most outgoing nerd you'll ever meet. I will be slow to respond to text messages because it's not my preferred communication style, I prefer face to face interaction / voice calls due to poor clarification with tone of voice, body language and eye contact. Texting is too watered down for me to interpret. <3 My vision is to create a welcoming community and enhance the lives of vulnerable people within poor communities. Currently, I work as a Frontline Worker, 3 years of serving and it continues and survived 5 covid outbreaks. I love my Residents and seeing them smile makes me feel like I'm making a difference within their last chapters. 

While I'm not on the floor, I create and do the dress up sh*t for cosplay and do content creation on the side, as it helps connects me with others in different worlds of Cosplay. I got to meet and befriend some amazing people/ideals. My ongoing wish is to keep creating friendships + heartfelt memories, til I take my last breath.

- Pirate Survivor Daughter

- Frontline Worker

- Content Creator

- Community Advocate

- J/Rock Concert Go-er

- Several Years Bullied Target

- Cosplay Convention Go-er

- Chose not to be Valedictorian 

- Passionate Geek

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