
meatbuuuuuns's profile picture

"coding, probs~"

eugene, '06, they/he/she

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Mood: sad

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meatbuuuuuns's Interests

baby don't cry exo-k


❉ joined site oct '23!!! ❉ writing!!! ❉ blogging!!! ❉ css!!! ❉ boba!!! ❉ baking + dessert-making!!! ❉ dynasty warriors + splatoon!!! ❉ cd collection!!! ❉ old tech!!! ❉ cold + rainy weather!!! ❉ cool but comforting nostalgia!!! ❉


main spotify playlist rn: minihomepy ❉ exo ❉ infinite ❉ mblaq ❉ u-kiss ❉ boyfriend ❉ ze:a ❉ click-b ❉ skz ❉ svt ❉ snsd ❉ kara ❉ after school ❉ fromis_9 ❉ kat-tun ❉ perfume ❉ paramore ❉ daphne loves derby ❉ depeche mode ❉ one direction ❉ chime ❉ daft punk ❉ owl city ❉ the postal service ❉ passion pit ❉ foster the people ❉ yeah yeah yeahs ❉ grouper ❉ phoenix ❉ lullatone ❉ c418 ❉ dynasty warriors soundtrack ❉ splatoon soundtrack ❉ jsr(+f) soundtrack ❉ quell soundtrack ❉ old nintendo console themes ❉ and more...


❉ tron (original and legacy) ❉ black panther ❉ age of ultron ❉ star trek ❉ wargames ❉ bill & ted ❉ lotr ❉ twilight (only the first one...) ❉ other than that, i don't really watch a lot of movies... ❉


❉ gokusen 2!!! ❉ k project ❉ my happy marriage ❉ kamisama kiss ❉ knb ❉ way of the househusband ❉ mei's butler ❉ begin japanology ❉ star trek ❉ the clone wars ❉ lab rats ❉ my babysitter's a vampire ❉ what’s new scooby doo ❉ regular show ❉ we bare bears ❉


❉ fantasy ❉ romance ❉ mystery ❉ vampire/supernatural ❉ baking ❉ shoujo manga ❉


❉ spock ❉ hayley williams ❉ guan xing and lu xun (dynasty warriors) ❉ yatogami kuroh ❉ ice bear ❉ yabuki hayato (my bf, actually) ❉


meatbuuuuuns's Links

meatbuuuuuns's Latest Blog Entries [View Blog]

more details about me? ( ´ ∀ ` )ノ (view more)

year in review (2024) ⸜( ´ ꒳ ` )⸝ (view more)

november ’24 stats (view more)

paramore demos (view more)

thinking, thinking (old k-pop idea) (view more)

meatbuuuuuns's Blurbs

About me:

hey, thanks for stopping by! ( ´ ▽ ` )ノ my name's eugene~ i like baking and sweets, writing, and exploring the interwebs. i usually listen to alt rock or music with lots of synth!

admittedly i'm not super active on here right now-- busy with school and other projects.

Who I'd like to meet:

people with similar interests, 15 to 21. any older or younger and i'll feel way uncomfortable, so please respect that! if i sent you a request and you're not in that range, then it's likely i somehow didn't see it. i'm sorry!

generally i'm pretty selective when it comes to requests and/or take a long time to accept. please don't take it personally, i just get overwhelmed. but if you're my friend, my messages are always open. <3

meatbuuuuuns's Friends Comments

Displaying 6 of 6 comments ( View all | Add Comment )


koi's profile picture

2024.12.21 - cherry red winter (christmas week, baekhyun)

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koi????? how did u get here lolz

by meatbuuuuuns; ; Report


meatbuuuuuns's profile picture

hehehe secret comment >:3

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ksoo ♡̶

ksoo ♡̶'s profile picture

Wah omg! This theme is super adorable! i love it so much!!!!! <3

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AAAAHHH, thank you so much!!! >v<

by meatbuuuuuns; ; Report


by ksoo ♡̶; ; Report


by meatbuuuuuns; ; Report

🍰cheesecake 🍰

🍰cheesecake 🍰's profile picture

Eeeek love your profileee!!

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thank you so much!!! yours is super cute tooooo

by meatbuuuuuns; ; Report

ksoo ♡̶

ksoo ♡̶'s profile picture

Ooooo love the new layout!!! ︎^^

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thank you!!! ^^ the person who uploaded this also has a similar strawberry one, and i was sort of conflicted on which one to choose... i think this one looks best, tho~

by meatbuuuuuns; ; Report

Oooh yeah I get it lol!!! It’s hard picking layouts bc there are so many cute ones! But this one is nice!! :3

by ksoo ♡̶; ; Report


peacespace's profile picture

cool! dynasty warriors is great

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thank you! i love your theme, and your music taste is immaculate :D

yay!!! which ones have you played? :?

by meatbuuuuuns; ; Report

Dancing Robot