Mar <3

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"Sleeping "

I'm Spider-Man ;)

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Mar <3's Interests


Uh..I like making edits and posting them onto Tiktok or Instagram (depending on how good it is-). I really like watching Movies and TV shows and playing games. My favourite games have been 'Spider-Man 2018 and the Miles Morales one' I recommend it! (I also love Uncharted :) and I'm currently playing it!). I do like shooting and puzzle-y games. (*Sighs in Lego video games*) Maybe I should join Jayy's Loki army on Roblox.. Apart from games..I love reading, I want to get into it again!. Comic books are just books with less words..and they're MUCH more interesting!. Spectacular Spider-Man and any Comic Preludes are good :) you can hear the actors voice when you read them, plus they have plot twists (better plots than twilight-) I also Love Mackenzie Lee's Marvel books :) (read her Loki one, I DARE YOU). In Conclusion, I like consuming :)


My Music taste is all over the place. It changes and it's highly mainstream. I have good song choices, I think. But it's 100% Better than 11 year old me's taste..that's for sure- - Lana Del Ray - Shawn Mendes - Billie Ellish - Lady Gaga - Artic Monkeys - The Weekend - And many more (I'll update this with a full list!)


I love movies so much. The whole Aesthetic makes me so happy. Thor: Ragnarok has been my favourite since i first watched it. I could watch it over and over again. The entire vibe is like a drug for me and i inhale it's fumes welcomely :D. Spider-Man: Homecoming is a close second! It's so heartfelt and..well, Spider-Man, duh..But, it's always been my comfort Movie, I think.. Infinity war, Endgame and No way home felt like a fever dream, and I'll never ever forget how i felt when i first watched it.. Amazing <3 Star wars, Harry Potter, Chucky & Annabelle, IT <3, POTC (Yes, i watch a lot of movies..i just can't seem to name them all-)


- Brooklyn 99 - Stranger Things - That 70s Show - Shameless - Euphoria - The Office - Shameless - Ultimate Spider-Man - Wandavision - TFATWS - Loki (Apart from the whole slykie situation <3) - Moonknight - Hawkeye - Ms Marvel - All the Avengers cartoons, bae aesf


Comic books and marvel related books <3 Take ma moni


*Names the entire MCU and all the Marvel comics characters cutely*

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About me:

HELLO WORLD!!!!1111 W-Welcome to my page (i think?) As you can see here, i am utterly and totally and very much obsessed with some..wait-... fun fact, actually really sad fact, I don't KNOW who the guy is- BUT IM TOTALLY OBSESSED WITH HIM *cue manic laugh* Anyways.. - Mar, She/Her 18+ Marvel Stan The biggest Enchantress and Spider-Man simp you'll ever meet-

Who I'd like to meet:

*Ahem, Ahem* "Y-Your Mother!"









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