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Brazil, i don't know

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madwrr._'s Interests


Tattoos, drawing, volleyball, The Office, B99, Modern Family, sitcoms, movies and series, art, talking, physical contact, hugs, touching other people's hair, drawing on people I like. Harry Potter, playing, Portuguese, geopolitics, gossiping, discussing thoughts, volleyball again.


All the songs except the ones I don't like 


Brazilian Movies💀🤟

Ainda estou aqui, Central do Brasil, Que horas ela volta, Hoje eu quero voltar sozinho

A lot of movies. 

Garota de fora, Young Hearts, Tudo em todo lugar ao mesmo tempo, A ligação,  gays, corra, the Hunt, BEUTIFUL BOY, Prisioners

I don't know all the movies I like, I like a lot of movies 😭


I'm going to put series  

Sitcoms(the office, b99, Modern Family, HIMYM, The big bang a Theory, i don't know.



Haikyuu, Naruto, Banana Fish, Given, Nana, HxH, Death Note, Evangelion, I forgot the name of all the animes


I don't know the names in English so I'll put them in Portuguese. 

Noites Brancas, Memória do Subsolo e  Crime e Castigo- Dostoievski 

Harry Potter ➡️ I'm a nerd

gay books

I don't remember the rest 


Tony Stark? I don't know what do i put here 

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About me:

 I like to draw and play volleyball :) 

Who I'd like to meet:

nice people 


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