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"creat1ng au.. number 342 !"

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Hey ! they/them but she/her 1s okay too,, a qu1et pansexual, non b1nary, dem1romant1c ♡ m1nor and TDAH person ✧˖*° dreamcore/strangecore lover ! loud, caring and funny? 1 guess.. btw, my prof1le 1s not done yet ! Now, 1'd l1ke to talk about my game 1nterests ! 1'm a qu1et person when talk1ng about game 1nterest cuz 1 cons1der some of them ch1ld1sh, but here you go.. My fav games are Super Danganronpa Another 2/Danganronpa Another, Cook1e Run K1ngdom, Project Seka1, Dumb Ways to D1e and Bald1's Bas1cs ! 1 l1ke DDLC, Gensh1n 1mpact, Rythm Games 1n general, Danganronpa, Ao Oni, Sonic, Super Monkey Ball, M11 games (example: w11 party), Pokemon, F1ve N1ght's at Freddy's, F1ve N1ght's at Treasure 1sland, Sl1me Rancher and the Ben Drowned mod ! (qu1et wh1sper... 1 play gacha l1fe and roblox too...)


To be honest.. 1'M a bas1c mus1c person ! 1 l1ke Stray K1ds, aespa, TXT, Vocalo1d & Project Seka1 covers, MAR1NA, M1tsk1, Red Hot Ch1l1 Peppers, Melan1e Mart1nez, Lady Gaga, ABBA, The Caretaker, Queen, Kesha and soundtracks of my favour1te games !


1'm not 1nto mov1es that much... but 1 st1ll l1ke comedy mov1es and terror mov1es so much !! 1 l1ke P1xar and D1sney mov1es too, my favour1te mov1es of th1s top1c 1s 1ns1de Out and Toy Story 2 !!


Same as Mov1es, 1'm not 1nto telev1s1on so much, maybe 1 l1ke to rewatch my favour1te comedy and an1mated ser1es or rewatch ser1es 1 used to watch on my ch1ldhood !!


not books here 1'm do1ng a spec1al spot for Sh1nj1 Kasa1, my beloved safe place ♡ Sh1nj1 Kasa1 (카사이 신지) 1s a character featured 1n the Korean fangame Super Danganronpa Another 2 created by L1NUJ. He 1s known as the Super H1gh School Level F1ref1ghter. Sh1nj1 1s a young man w1th a muscular bu1ld, tanned sk1n, and l1ght-yellow eyes. He has long red ha1r w1th a wavy fr1nge that's able to reach qu1te far down h1s face. Due to an 1nc1dent 1n the past, wh1ch resulted 1n h1m ga1n1ng a large burn scar across h1s back as shown 1n the 'Woman's Fantasy" scene. He add1t1onally wears a v1ne-l1ke necklace w1th a faux da1sy attached as the centre p1ece, a g1ft from a ch1ld he saved. He wears a pla1n black t-sh1rt and an orange f1ref1ghters un1form w1th yellow l1nes, low-leg pockets, and grey patches. The top part of h1s un1form has been undone, now hang1ng down to the back of h1s legs. The red straps wh1ch'd hold th1s 1n place rest aga1nst h1s legs, currently used as a cl1p-together belt. He, 1n add1t1on, wears a pa1r of black boots w1th a s1ngle be1ge str1pe along the centre. Outs1de of the s1mulat1on Sh1nj1 1s shown to be much older than the other capt1ves, and 1s the oldest out of them all. He generally has shorter ha1r and stubble at h1s ch1n.


my heroe 1s sh1nj1 kasa1 hehehh, 1dk what else so 1'm shar1ng more 1nfo about me! My fav an1mals are cats, owls and bears !! As u can see 1'm a cat person,,, 1'm not a very productive person... 1 play w1th my phone, computer, PlayStat1on 4, W11 or N1ntendo Sw1tch.. 1 play the p1ano and 1 do exerc1se for my health ! And 1dk what else... bye everyone !!

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L, Na1ko or LTSK ✧ MapleStory Finger Point

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sh1nj1 kasa1 ♡ ⋆。˚

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