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kikoo's Interests


I love to watch films, tv-shows and anime. I like to go for a walk through my local forest. And of course I love to listen to music.


I play lots of different videogames! My favorite videogame-series is The Legend of Zelda from which my individual fav is probably Majora's Mask.

Although I grew up with Phantom Hourglass and Spirit Tracks, which still are very nostalgic to me.

Another favorite of mine is Silent Hill 2 which in my opinion is the best horror-game.


I pretty much listen to almost everything. I know it's a basic answer, but if I had to choose what genre I listen to the most, it would probably be rock and some songs that are currently popular.


My favorite movies/films are:

-Lost in Translation

-Back to the Future

-The Matrix



-Seven Pounds


and a lot more...


Besides from films I also love to watch tv-shows and anime, here are some of my fav:




-Paranoia Agent



-The Sopranos


-Breaking Bad

-Dr. House

-The Office

-Adventure Time



Can't think of any "heroes". Someone I probably look up to however, is jerma985, my favorite streamer, although I'm not an obsessed fanboy.

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kikoo's Blurbs

About me:

I'm Nick, 18 years old and I spend way too much time in my room...

Who I'd like to meet:

Glowing Master Sword The Legend Of Zelda

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