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lanza reborn; stereotypical teenage edgelord.

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Mood: suicidal

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sid's Interests


Adam L, and music is really all that I can think as a current interest of mine. Like, true interest; shit that takes over your life and is all you can talk about, type interest. I like other things though, like mass killers (typically shooters), hamsters, and generally any online stuff.


I listen to all sorts of music, I'd like to believe it's something I'm well versed in. Most of my streams consist of black metal,โ€”typically raw, atmospheric, or its depressive-suicidal subgenresโ€”death metal, industrial, grindcore/goregrind/any noise variation, and finally my outlier, incelcore/epunk. My favorite current artist is closer aligned to our outlier then any other genres, and the artist in question would be Heelflip. Almost to 3000 streams for them (on spotify alone) and I am well in the first place as for streamers, according to I listen to a few other random artists that are in other genres, but their the only one of said genre.

Feel free to ask me about music, I enjoy it.


I don't watch too many actual movies. I did like Zero Day (2003), Elephant (2003), DUCK! (1999) due to their topics though. Would like more recommendations.


Same as movies. Only show I've watched within a year has been Metalocalypse.


I dont read, that is, besides recovered pdfs from the one and only Fuckcomments.


Some dude who went by Smiggles, whatever the hell that means, on this old ass forum. Posted a good cookie recipe and it changed my life, I consider him my only hero :0)

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sid's Blurbs

About me:

5 I'm Sid, although if you'd like you may refer to me as smiggles as a fun little nickname, or whatever. I am a male, please regard to me as such. I am constantly tense and am 'rather' socially inept, due to my autism. I am underage, still a teenager (fifteen, specifically) but I don't care who I talk to or what it's about, come at me I guess, creepy old men! See if I care!!

I have a plethora of issues, although I prefer to keep them without an official title. I am interested in very few things, most of which would be considered 'morbid', let's see if you can guess what they are. :-) I consider myself to be a pseudo-nihilist and have strong beliefs in anti-natalism. I try to be a fun guy to be around, although it may take time; I typically copy others' behavior which takes time to pick up on.
I don't do much with my life, a 'little' lanza research here and there, spend 6 hours watching youtube, having a three-day long episode over shit I had overthought and didn't really matter, digging through Spotify, Bandcamp, SoundCloud, Youtube, and archives to find new bands, and finally to spend the rest of what should be my waking hours asleep. Maybe you'll catch me online, maybe you won't. Good luck!

Who I'd like to meet:

I'm not sure. Someone who I'm able to socialize easily with and has similar interests as me, or nobody at all. Depends on the day, although it's more often than not a "fuck everyone, humanity can either go to hell if they can't just leave me alone" kind of day :-(

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๐“ฏ๐“ป๐“ฎ๐“ช๐“ด๐”‚ EVE! ๐Ÿฆ‘๐Ÿ‡

๐“ฏ๐“ป๐“ฎ๐“ช๐“ด๐”‚ EVE! ๐Ÿฆ‘๐Ÿ‡'s profile picture

I really like your account and layout!

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thank you, i like yours too :-)

by sid; ; Report