
Hiii I'm Katka, 6teen, and I love cats!!
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Mood: cozy
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Katka's Interests
General |
Music |
I listen to rock, rap, hip-hop, jazz, metal, techno, webcore, shoegaze and wayyyy more. My top artists (according to Spotify) are Brutalismus 3000, The Smiths, Drake, Sade, Bob Marley, and Playboi Carti. I really like a lot of genres but I won't say I listen to everything because I surely don't, give me music recs!! |
Movies |
Sucker Punch, Gia, Inception, Mysterious Skin, Monty Python and the Holy Grail, and Black Swan r some of my favs. Movies I've watched lately and enjoyed have been: Lala Land, 10 Things I Hate About You, But I'm a Cheerleader, Whiplash, and Carol. My Letterboxd is "yekatkova" if you wanna follow! |
Television |
I'm watching JoJos Bizarre Adventure rn. Usually, I'm really busy with school and extracurriculars so I don't have much time to spend :( |
Books |
I'm currently reading Catch-22. Books I've read before have been Blue Eyes by Toni Morrison, Catch-22, way too many Tamora Pierce books (she writes medieval books about women knights and magic, super cool), Kafka, and more fun ones. |
Heroes |
My parents and my cat :) |
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Katka's Blurbs
About me:
Hey, I'm Katka!! I live in America, and I'm kinda just on here cause why not lol. I'm interested in languages ( I speak English and a bit of Spanish and Slovak), fashion, physics (im so shit at math), and travel.
Who I'd like to meet:
I dunno
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