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Amaan's Interests


I Love all forms of art. I personally enjoy making poetry and traditional drawings. But I also adore indulging in other people’s works. Be that music, theater, or seeing other peoples’ drawings and poems.

I love playing video games. Personally I’m open to all genres of games, so long as I’m playing with the people I love.

And one of my favorite hobbies has got to be working out. I absolutely adore going to the gym to get stronger and more confident with myself, especially with my friends.

Current PRs:

Squat: ,

Deadlift: ,

Bench: ,  

| Build: 6’2, |


I adore many many different artists and genres. Typically I listen based on my mood. Spotify has the option to search up a genre or mood, and it provides you with a catered playlist based on your listening. 

My favorite song of all time, so far, might have to be “I’m going to do it” by Giles Corey

Going based off of my top songs of 2023 though;

- Giles Corey/ Have A Nice Life

-Jeff Buckley

-The Crabberries 🤍

-Mac Demarco

- Duster

- TV Girl

-Radiohead 🤍

-Current Joys

-The Smiths





(And many many more 😭)

In terms of genres, I am again very open! 

In general I love rock, shoegaze, jazz, indie, etc

And there are so many more genres that I can’t name off the top of my head. ☠️





A good second place movie would be “A silent voice”, a beautifully written and animated anime film. 

I’ve recently been introduced to studio Ghibli by a dear friend, I started off with Castle In The Sky and then watched Princess Mononoke. I really enjoyed these so far and can’t wait to watch more.

I watched “500 days of summer too”, absolutely adored that. 

(Donnie darko, Whiplash, 13 going on 30, Bullet train)

In general I find most movies depicting romance wonderful. And am very open to any film genre. 


I hold some shows CLOSE to my heart.

My favorite series is an anime called “Gurren Lagann”, animated by the same studio that animated “Kill-La-Kill”

Also very high up on my list is “Avatar, The Last Airbender”. A cinematic masterpiece masquerading under the facade of a children’s cartoon. A wonderful series.

Jujutsu Kaisen is definitely pretty high on my list too.


I haven’t really read much outside of school, but a book that stuck with me was ‘The Outsiders’, which I read in eighth grade.

Other than that I dabbled in some comic runs, some Greek mythology, a lot of Islamic literature, and I enjoyed sifting through some science books 


Who doesn’t love Batman bro.

The flash is up there too, Invincible, Spider-Man, etc etc 

Amaan's Latest Blog Entries [View Blog]

Question To My Friend (view more)

Adoration (view more)

Old poem (view more)

Amaan's Blurbs

About me:



I adore science and the world around me. The stars and moon are some of my favorite aspects of life. 


Who I'd like to meet:

All my awesome online friends 

Also, I don’t really know how to use this app so contact me elsewhere: 

Instagram- amaan_0114

Discord- katanaquits

TikTok- amaan_g59

Text- (just ask)

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Amaan's Friends Comments

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lanlooni's profile picture

heyy :3

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What’s up ! I just figured out how to design my page and idk if this notification is even to me ngl. Still confused on how to use the mobile version (I was on the desktop version earlier)

by Amaan; ; Report

of course its for you amaan!!

love your profile sm btw

by lanlooni; ; Report

Thanks Leen :)

by Amaan; ; Report