16 years, Brazil 🇧🇷
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Mood: sleepy
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𝑱𝑴𝑭's Interests
General |
Music |
I have an eclectic taste in music and listen to anything that pleases me, but I also listen to specific bands and artists 5 |
Movies |
The Home for Peculiar Children, The little Prince (Animation), Corpse Bride, The boy and the heron (I don't really like movies) |
Television |
Garfield, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Adventure time, Blue eye samurai, My little pony, Gravity falls, Fairy Godparents, Miraculous, Glitch Techs |
Books |
Heroes |
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𝑱𝑴𝑭's Blurbs
About me:
ENG: I love music, video games, chocolates and cakes. I'm Brazilian person, I write poems but not as much as expected, I love studying about subjects that I am interested in and I also love learning about new things and I don't know anything about math LMAO (And I'm also bad at English)
PT-BR: Adoro música, videogames, chocolates e bolos. Escrevo poemas, mas não tanto quanto o esperado, adoro estudar sobre assuntos que me interessam e também adoro aprender sobre coisas novas e não sei nada sobre matemática KKKKKKKK

Who I'd like to meet:
ENG: Anyone who is at least respectful and non-problematic, Pro-shippers, neo-nazis and other problematic people please DNI
PT-BR: Qualquer pessoa que seja pelo menos respeitosa e não problemática, pró-shippers, neonazistas e outras pessoas problemáticas, por favor, DNI

𝑱𝑴𝑭's Friend Space
[view all]𝑱𝑴𝑭 has 5 friends.
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