
Oliver 's profile picture

"Listening to music 🔥"

love Spidey and Dick Grayson -From Italia

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Mood: Actually I'm really happy now

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Oliver 's Interests


My description was really difficult to read, well, I love Peter Parker, well, spider-Man in general and the Batman saga, I love DC and Marvel. I draw all the time, I love drawing and read comics, so if u got recommendations I'll read! And I'm a big fan of Glass Animals and TV girl, and of course Arctic Monkeys, Massive Attack but specially a big fan of Subsonica !


I listen to Arctic monkeys,Michael Jackson, Jack Stauber, Jamiroquai, Justin Timberlake, Freddie Dredd, Twenty one pilots, Daft punk, Mother Mother, Eminem, MSI, Weezer, TV girl, lo Perry, Sorry About Everything, Miranda, Subsonica, Massive Attack, Rihanna, Maroon 5, LMFAO, Green Day, Tyler the creator and a lot more!


I like The Lorax,Jurassic Park, The Indomable Will Hunting, The Talented Mr.Ripley, Batman , The Flash,Batman And Superman:The battle of the super sons, Joker, Doctor Strange, Spider-Man, chicken little, Verónica and brave


Moral Orel, Teen Titans and TTGsouth Park, the office, how I met your mother, Dr, House MD, Inside Job, Your Friendly neighborhood spider-Man and well I don't remember 😅


The Lost Things, Lupin, no longer human, I don't remember too! 😭


Music.............. House MD (I LOVE that series) My family of course My friends

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Oliver 's Blurbs

About me:

Hey! I'm back, well, I'm Oliver and I like comics, drawing is my passion and listening to music too

Who I'd like to meet:

Again, people around my age (16 or 17) And well, if you like moral orel or Spider-Man and Batman PLEASE TEXT ME!!

Oliver 's Friends Comments

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Wendy Testaburger

Wendy Testaburger's profile picture

tysm for adding me back!! >o<

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